NASE Encourages New Small Business Administration Administrator to Focus on Small Business Growth


NASE Encourages New Small Business Administration Administrator to Focus on Small Business Growth

CONTACT:  Kristofer Eisenla, LUNA+EISENLA media | 202-670-5747 (mobile)

National Self-Employment Association Encourages SBA to Focus on Tax Fairness, Business Deregulation, Opening Opportunities for Small Businesses, and Ensuring Economic Security

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-business community, today applauded the confirmation of Jovita Corranza as the new Administrator of the Small Business Administration.

The new SBA Administrator takes over an agency during one of the most profound shifts underway in the American workforce. Not since the Industrial Revolution has the nature of work in our country undergone such transformative change,” said Keith Hall, president and CEO of NASE“As millions of Americans choose self-employment and small business ownership, it is critical for the SBA to support them by promoting access to capital, advocating for further streamlining of regulatory policies and simplifying the tax code.

“As new small business owners, time is the most essential resource. We must ensure ways they can minimize their administrative time and costs and instead, let them focus on their business operations, which will save time and allow them to save, grow and expand. It’s not only essential for their bottom-lines, but also the future of the American economy. NASE will continue to be a proactive partner with the SBA, the Trump Administration and the U.S. Congress to continue to promote a pro-small business environment. As a voice for millions of America’s self-employed and those in the growing gig-economy, we welcome the new Administrator and stand ready to support her in building an equitable and fair playing field for the lifeblood of our country’s economy.”


The National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE) is the nation's leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, offering a broad range of benefits to help entrepreneurs succeed and to drive the continued growth of this vital segment of the American economy.

The NASE Next Biz Thinghelps identify and connect our nation’s smallest businesses. Need small business help? Check out NASE’s Ask the Experts for advice or the NASE Minute for small business support.

The NASE is a 501(c) (6) nonprofit organization and provides big-business advantages to hundreds of thousands of micro-businesses across the United States. For more information, visit the association's website at

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