NASE - Your Voice In DC - Support Small Business & Small Business Issues


Standing Up for America's Small Businesses

"Self-Informed is a great resource for staying up-to-date on hot topics that impact small businesses like mine."

Stephanie Gibney, Member Since 2009


Interested in how the NASE advocates for issues important to you and your business? Read the NASE’s testimony before Congressional committees, letters to Congress and the Administration, and information on how new legislation will impact you.

Legislative Priorities

With the NASE as your representative, your views are heard on Capitol Hill. The NASE monitors legislation that affects small business and the self-employed. During the 117th Congress, the NASE is urging legislators to help support small business by focusing on top priority issues.

Washington Watch

Be the first to know about legislative action that affects you and your business.

Write to your Federal or State elected officials with one click. Search for your elected officials, send letters, view important legislation the NASE is tracking, and more!

NASE In the News



The NASE has become a primary resource for legislators, businesses and the media to see what micro-business owners are doing and for media coverage on small business news.

Through nation-wide surveys on topics such as health coverage and retirement security, the NASE ensures it has the pulse of micro-business.

Legislative Action Center

Contact your legislators and learn how they’ve voted on small business issues through the Legislative Action Center, Tell Your Story to give Congress and the Administration a window into your real-life experiences and become a media contact to speak about small business issues with the press.

NASE in Action

Through NASE, the self-employed and micro-businesses have a powerful voice representing their interests on many topics, including on support for small business and small business legislation regulations. NASE has a strong track record of advocating for its members on Capitol Hill. Through efforts like the online Legislative Action Center and the Tell Your Story initiative, NASE provides an easy and timely way for micro-business owners to get involved and express their opinions to elected officials.

Find out who your elected officials are and how they are voting.

Top Legislative Priorities

  • Fairness in Tax Compliance
  • Access to Affordable Health Coverage
  • Self-Employment Tax on Health Insurance Premiums

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