Sherri Lynn's NASE Member Spotlight
Sherri Lynn is the Founder & President of 4PPL cosmetics LLC located in Orono, Minnesota. Previously, Sherri had a position as a food broker which shaped her outlook and set things in motion. That’s when she initially became interested and more fond of the natural beauty industry. So much so, that as we fast forward to today she is now the Founder and President of 4PPL cosmetics LLC. It’s a cosmetics and beauty company that caters to people who are looking for a more healthy approach to the more common, standard applications. The 4PPL tribe are those that appreciate clean, cruelty free and vegan products and the company motto is “What makes us better — is what makes you better.” That means, that the products that our customers use that makes them feel better, cleaner, allowing them to make better decisions — allows 4PPL cosmetics LLC to be better.
When and why did you join NASE?
I joined NASE because I really wanted and needed to be part of a community of people “who get it.” People who “get it” on how much work, dedication, commitment, sacrifice and drive that it takes to be successful and operate your own company. Being an entrepreneur can be very adventurous, but lonely too. Unless you’re an entrepreneur and you have actually “stepped out” on that limb to make it happen, most just don’t understand. I wanted to get the support that I not only needed, but deserved. I just needed to relate. When I request an answer from someone, it’s easier to communicate with someone who can reply, “Hey, I get it. You’re not alone.” And, that is something that NASE stands for.
What inspired you to enter the field you are in?
What inspired me to be in the field that I am in is that I am a customer in the same niche as my customers. So, therefore, “I get it.” I was always inspired by cosmetics that had a low scent, that were more natural and healthy for you. I also paid attention to the ingredients and what the company beliefs are. One example is the needs that support animal lovers with cruelty free products.
When and why did you start your business?
I started the business, because I recognized a certain need and niche in the industry. The niche that I am referring to is “a specific tribe of people that desire products made by companies that “truely” care to make a difference.” A company can make a difference by being more selective of the ingredients that are utilized to make the product. Not only that, but where it was also sourced from and how.
How do you market your business?
I market my business through a website, social media, word of mouth, letters, placing online ads, phone calls, emails, funnels…you know, the usual methods. When you’re “bootstrapping it” you need to get creative and rely on resources around you to make all of that happen.
What challenges have you faced in your business?
It’s tough when you don’t have the support you need. I don’t mean just financially, I mean emotionally too. You get the naysayers. The bullies. People that make fun of you when you start out and are growing at a slow pace. The haters. I just ignore it all. I don’t allow it to get to me. I just think that I have got something that they don’t. It really takes a certain kind of person to do it, someone with a lot of courage.
Do you have any employees?
No. I am a full timer, over-timer, putting in over 65 hours typically every week. I put in at least 10 hours a day, six days a week. When needed, I will hire someone to fulfill projects. Knowing when to delegate some things can greatly reduce my workload. It helps me to scale faster.
What’s the best thing about being self-employed?
Being able to set your own schedule. Being my own boss. Also, I AM my best cheerleader. When no one else is in my corner and I have to do everything, I can stay strong all by myself.
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received from a client?
He said that he loved the scent of our Pomegranate and Acai Lotion. Coming from a male, that was a song to my ears. This kind of comment is something that I would normally get from a female client. It’s nice to hear that more men are taking note of the products that they apply to their skin.
What’s the most important piece of advice you would give to someone starting their own business?
Don’t stop nor give up your dream due to pressure from people such as relatives & people that are not in your corner. Go out and find your support. It is very important to know your tribe. Set your goals. Find a mentor. Find the right tools. Set your schedule. You’re never gonna get there without some kind of schedule. I don’t care if it is only 30 minutes to an hour a day. You gotta start somewhere. Act on it to gain momentum.
Any other information you would like to share?
Yes. I wanted to share that 4PPL cosmetics is now officially Leaping Bunny certified. Hurray! That means 4PPL cosmetics LLC is certified as a cruelty-free company. Given that it is nationally recognized, it is a great certification to have. Leaping Bunny has high standards. So, it’s something to be grateful for and proud of. We are also looking to get more certifications that are tailored to vegans and woman owned companies in the future.