Expert Advice & The Latest Small Business News | NASE


Self-Employed Hangouts

Sarai Zyzniewski is the founder and CEO of Our Hangouts, LLC. Our Hangouts provides an online cloud-based system that helps businesses organize, manage registration, accept payments and centralize communication with member families. Unofficially started in 2015 and officially organized in 2016, Our Hangouts started with one product and in 2019 expanded to three. The three products and markets are: Our School Hangout for church preschools, Our Homeschool Hangout for homeschool co-ops, and Our Group Hangout for organized community groups. The online system provides two key high-level benefits: reducing costs and saving time.
Posted on Nov 30, 2022

The Big Picture

By and large, the forecast of a “Red Wave” of Republicans being elected similar to 1994 and 2010 has not come to fruition. While Democrats and Republicans each only needed one Senate seat to achieve a true Senate majority, so far both parties have largely held their incumbent seats. The one exception to that is in Pennsylvania, where Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman has beaten Republican candidate Mehmet Oz for retiring Senator Pat Toomey’s (R-PA) seat. Ceteris paribus, this could turn out to be the crucial seat pickup needed for Democrats to take a true Senate majority.
Posted on Nov 30, 2022

Shop Local to Celebrate America’s Small Business Community on Small Business Saturday

With this Saturday designated as Small Business Saturday – November 26th, Keith Hall, president and CEO of National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation's leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, today applauded the spirit and ingenuity of America’s small business community encouraging the American public to shop local.
Posted on Nov 23, 2022

Simple Hacks to Boost Your Retirement

The things you do now to prepare for your retirement will help determine how comfortably you will be able to spend your golden years. The more you save, the earlier you may be able to retire and start enjoying life the way you always wanted to. No matter what type of industry you are involved in, or whether you own a major corporation or operate your own home business, there are some simple hacks everyone should be aware of to give your retirement a boost.
Posted on Oct 21, 2022

Caring Self-Employment

NASE member Kimberly Whiter is the CEO and Owner of Elder Care Solutions in Roanoke, Virginia. Kimberly spent over 10 years building a career in higher education, during which time she worked both as an Assistant Professor and an Administrator. Part of her scholarship program was studying how interprofessional and interdisciplinary teams functioned to reach the best shared outcome. In early 2019 she was presenting this work at a national conference and one of the Co-Founders of Elder Care Solutions was in the audience. I started consulting with the business and in early 2020 I was invited to join the team as its CEO. Work in interdisciplinary practice translated well into the role as CEO for Elder Care Solutions, where she built innovative strategic collaborations in search of creative solutions for our nation’s care crisis.
Posted on Oct 21, 2022

2022 Midterms are Right Around the Corner

This November voters across the country will elect candidates at the local, state, and federal level, important races that will have a direct impact as to the 30 million self-employed business owners.
Posted on Oct 21, 2022

Small Business Insurance Needs and How to Protect Yourself

Your company’s assets, equipment, and well-being should be protected from damage and liabilities as a small business owner. You put hard work into building your business and making it a success, and now your small business has evolved into your livelihood. You, your family, and your employees all count on your company’s stability, and business insurance policies are here to help.
Posted on Sep 26, 2022

Certified Self-Employment

Dr. Andrieka J. Austin, Master Life Coach Certification Trainer from Atlanta, Georgia is the founder of The International Center for Life Coach Training, LLC. She has trained 200 Certified Life Coaches, helped thousands via her email newsletter, and speaks to 10,000+ on her podcast, her Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram social media platforms helping them learn how to become a professionally trained, skilled, qualified, Black Woman Christian Certified Life Coach.
Posted on Sep 26, 2022

2022 Mid-Term Elections Outlook: Unclear

Up until this fall, it seemed guaranteed that the Republicans would take a significant majority in the House, however, polling has tightened in light of the Supreme Court ruling on reproductive health. However, Republicans are still expected to secure a narrow majority, that being said, a majority of less than 10 seats will prove to be incredibly challenging for governing.
Posted on Sep 26, 2022 by Katie Vlietstra

National Association Awards $16K in Growth Grants to Support the Small Business Community During New Phase of COVID

As the small business community continues to recover from the COVID pandemic, the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-business community, announced today $16,000 in Growth Grants to four local small businesses for the second quarter of 2022. Today’s announcement also includes a partnership with both DELL Small Business and Payanywhere, both who have each generously sponsored one $4,000 Growth Grant awards.
Posted on Sep 06, 2022

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