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December Government Affairs Update

Earlier this month our country lost a statesman, war hero — former United States Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole (R-KS) at the age of 98. Senator Dole was one of the greatest in the Greatest Generation of World War II veterans who have long inspired our country with their dignity, determination and courage.
Posted on Dec 16, 2021

Key Elements to Consider while Preparing a Financial Plan

Finance management plays a crucial role in any business, especially for its smooth functioning and sustainable financial stability. As a significant and integral part of financial management, financial planning works like a medium that helps business owners ensure better utilization of finances in order to keep their company financially secure for the future.
Posted on Dec 15, 2021 by Cathrine Troyer

As Small Businesses Continue COVID Recovery, National Association Awards $16K in Growth Grants

As the small business community continues to recover from the COVID pandemic, the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-business community, announced today $16,000 in Growth Grants to four local small businesses for the third quarter of 2021. Today’s announcement also includes a partnership with DELL Small Business who generously has sponsored $4,000 for one of the Growth Grant awards.
Posted on Dec 12, 2021

New Data Shows American Economy Transformed by Surge in Self-Employed Workforce During Pandemic

Data from the Labor Department reported in The Wall Street Journal indicates there has been a significant surge among new entrepreneurs into the self-employment workforce. The report states: “The pandemic has unleashed a historic burst in entrepreneurship and self-employment. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are striking out on their own as consultants, retailers and small-business owners.”
Posted on Dec 02, 2021

How Managed Print Services Can Benefit Small Businesses

Managed print services (MPS) have long been a staple of big business. By handing over day-to-day management of in-house printing, companies can save themselves considerable time, money, and manpower. However, smaller businesses are increasingly turning to managed print services to streamline their document output. Provided you've chosen a reliable MPS, you look forward to improved quality control, guaranteed security of your printed assets, and dramatically lower printing costs. Interested in exploring the benefits of a managed print service for yourself? Below, we break down the key benefits for smaller businesses.
Posted on Dec 02, 2021

SMALL BIZ SATURDAY: Celebrate Small Business Saturday by Shopping Local This Saturday

With this Saturday designated as Small Business Saturday – November 27th, Keith Hall, president and CEO of National Association for the Self-Employed, the nation's leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, today called on all Americans to celebrate the community by shopping locally with America’s small businesses.
Posted on Nov 24, 2021

5 Reasons to be Thankful for Self-Employment

Thanksgiving is an occasion to reflect on all the things in our lives for which we’re grateful, and share that gratitude for the people who have helped to make it all possible. This year, as small business owners adapt to great economic and social challenges posed by the pandemic, the National Association for the Self- Employed (NASE) offers five big reasons you can be thankful for self-employment.
Posted on Nov 24, 2021

Medaling In Self- Employment

Lealem worked at NASA as the Project/Lead Scientist of NASA’s Digital Astronaut Project (DAP) where he directed a highly multidisciplinary and cross-functional team of scientists and engineers to develop and apply novel technologies to analyze and mitigate the health and performance risks of astronauts. He collaborates with the National Institute of Health (NIH), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Department of Defense and several other governmental, academic and private institutions to translate his unique technical expertise to enable precision healthcare and explore the boundaries of human performance.
Posted on Nov 24, 2021

Full Plate Of Legislative Activity Before The End Of The Year

The U.S. Congress is working on a full plate of legislative activity before the end of the year, including two major pieces of the Administration’s Build Back Better agenda introduced earlier this year. As part of that legislative package, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, often referred to as the bipartisan infrastructure bill focuses primarily on “hard infrastructure” such as roads, bridges and physical infrastructure. This bill passed through Congress on Friday, November 5th and President Biden has signed this major government investment into our nation’s infrastructure into law.
Posted on Nov 24, 2021

Employee Assessment Guide To Help Your Business Grow

Employees are a company’s driving force to move forward. That being so, their performance highly impacts and determines an organization’s success or failure. Finding ways to assess employee performance is very crucial. It helps bring out their best and helps an organization retain the best employees.
Posted on Nov 18, 2021

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