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NASE President & CEO Comments on Pew Research Study Showing Self-Employed Rebounds to Pre-Pandemic Levels

The self-employed workforce has rebounded to pre-pandemic levels, according to the Pew Research Study conducted earlier this month, stronger than other parts of the workforce. American small business community continues to adapt and innovate throughout the ongoing pandemic. It has radically shifted the state of the American small business community, transforming the way we do business and has shaped a new, post-pandemic economy.
Posted on Nov 17, 2021

Inspiration Vs Copying: How To Create a Unique Brand When Launching A New Business

It can be difficult to know where to start when launching your new business. The origin of a business idea always stems from the want to sell a service or product to the public that doesn’t already exist, but where do you go from there?
Posted on Nov 12, 2021 by Ella Woodward

Don't Set Your Expectations For Your Digital Marketing Agency Too High

Now don't get us wrong, high expectations are a great means by which to accomplish large goals and maintain principles that fuel business success. However, it is important to be realistic about what you can expect from certain tools and resources you have available to you. For example, how much progress could you possibly achieve if you expected your local auto mechanic to also repair a large dent on your passenger door or update a faded coat of paint?
Posted on Nov 10, 2021

NASE Applauds House Passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Package

Keith Hall, president and CEO of the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-business community, today released the following statement on the House passage of the bipartisan infrastructure package.
Posted on Nov 07, 2021

Enhance Your Business Checkout Experience for 2022

E-Commerce is growing by a staggering 23% per year, making it a perfect staging ground for new products, companies, methods and processes. With the increasing number of eCommerce focused businesses, customers expect more of their eCommerce enterprises, and that includes the ease of the check-out process. Let’s explore why the checkout process is so important, and how you can simplify yours for the optimal customer checkout experience in 2022.
Posted on Oct 28, 2021 by Nick Rojas

8 Spooky Facts You Did Not Know About Self-Employed/Small Businesses

It is a huge accomplishment to take on the challenge of being self-employed and own a small business. Being able to bring your ideas to the world is a fantastic feat to be proud of. However, only about 20% of small businesses survive their first year, and about half make it past five years. ​Whether your small business is a brand-new concept or one of several small business ventures you already have, keep in mind these eight spooky facts about being self-employed and having a small business.
Posted on Oct 28, 2021

Cooking Up Self-Employment

Leslie Brenner is the Founder and Editor in Chief of Cooks Without Borders, a cooking website devoted to the cuisines of the world. Currently residing in the Dallas, Texas area, Leslie is a two-time winner of a James Beard Award. As a cookbook author and former Food Editor of The Los Angeles Times, you can now find Leslie sharing what she cooks in her own kitchen on her website.
Posted on Oct 28, 2021

Fall Legislative Activity

The U.S. Congress is currently back in session with a full plate of legislative activity to act on before the end of the year. Two key pieces currently being debated in Congress are regarding the Build Back Better agenda introduced earlier this year by the White House. As part of that legislative package, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, often referred to as the bipartisan infrastructure bill, focuses primarily on “hard infrastructure” such as roads, bridges and physical infrastructure.
Posted on Oct 28, 2021

NASE Strongly Oppose Dept of Treasury Proposed Collection of Taxpayer Information

The NASE joined nearly 100 trade organizations in strong opposition of a recent proposal by the Department of Treasury to require financial institutions to report gross annual inflows and outflows of $400 on all account holders.
Posted on Oct 26, 2021

NASE Voices Strong Opposition to Proposed IRS Reporting Requirements

As millions of America’s smallest businesses slowly try to recover from the economic impact of the Covid crisis, the National Association for the Self-Employed, the nation's leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, today voiced it’s strong opposition to a proposed, new Internal Revenue Service (IRS) reporting requirement that would greatly impact the small business community. The rule would be costly, invade the privacy of Americans, and also add another burdensome layer of regulations unfairly targeting American small businesses.
Posted on Oct 26, 2021

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