Expert Advice & The Latest Small Business News | NASE


NASE Continues to Call for PPP Forgiveness and Relief

In a letter to congressional leaders, NASE along with nearly a hundred organizations, encouraged action on PPP forgiveness and additional business relief as tens of thousands of businesses struggle to minimize the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Posted on Nov 19, 2020

When to Splurge and When to Save: A Guide to Helping Self-Employed Individuals Budget for Their Organization

Congratulations on starting your own small business. You’re finally self-employed. Being your own boss comes with a lot of perks. You can take long lunches and create your own schedule, but it’s also a big step with a definite learning curve. Much of that learning relates to money. You’re not getting a regular paycheck anymore. How are you going to pay the bills every month and still save for retirement?
Posted on Oct 29, 2020

Small Business Owners Head to the Polls As Further Relief Opportunities Dim

The House, Senate and White House, are all battling in a legislative standoff, with Speaker Pelosi and Secretary Mnuchin attempting to navigate a challenging environment to advance a $2T relief package primarily aimed at supporting small businesses, the unemployed, and local and state municipalities.
Posted on Oct 29, 2020

Tips to Boost your Digital Marketing Strategy During The COVID Pandemic

Every industry has felt and is continuing to feel the effects of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We are facing unprecedented times and must weather the accompanying challenges, even if it is easier said than done/ WHile we never asked for this massive shakeup, we must deal with it and adapt. Thankfully, much of the world has gone digital as in-person activities are primarily shut down. By revamping and boosting your digital marketing strategy, you can make the most out of these trying times and potentially come out stronger on the other side. Whether you are self-employed or working for a company, you can use these tips and tricks to use digital marketing to better your business in light of the current pandemic.
Posted on Oct 21, 2020 by Nick Rojas

When to Splurge and When to Save: a Guide to Helping Self-Employed Individuals Budget for Their Organization

Congratulations on starting your own small business. You’re finally self-employed. Being your own boss comes with a lot of perks. You can take long lunches and create your own schedule, but it’s also a big step with a definite learning curve. Much of that learning relates to money. You’re not getting a regular paycheck anymore. How are you going to pay the bills every month and still save for retirement?
Posted on Oct 21, 2020 by Luke Smith

Business Funding Options in the Age of COVID-19

Although financing in the post COVID world will be more challenging for many small businesses, there are financing options available, you just need to look in the right places. As we’ve witnessed in past recessionary times, the sad truth is that there will be fewer options available as many lenders tighten up their creditworthiness criteria and others step away from lending to small businesses entirely—at least for the short term.
Posted on Oct 10, 2020 by Ty Kiisel

National Association for the Self-Employed Applauds Newly Announced, Streamlined Loan Forgiveness

The National Association for the Self-Employed, the nation's leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, today applauded the Small Business Administration and the Department of Treasury for announcing a simplified loan forgiveness application for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans under $50,000, but called on both sides of the aisle to come back to the negotiating table immediately to provide relief for small businesses hurting throughout America.
Posted on Oct 09, 2020

7 Small Business Ideas to be Your Own Boss and Work from Anywhere

Be your own boss. It’s an alluring thought for all the freedom it implies: Make your own schedule; work from home or anywhere else; do what you want; and keep all the money you earn.
Posted on Sep 27, 2020

Small Business Community Calls for Congressional Action

Small Business Community Calls for Congressional Action The National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE) along with its fellow leading small business associations, through the Small Business Roundtable, are calling on Congressional leaders to take immediate action in support of America’s 30 million small businesses.
Posted on Sep 27, 2020

NASE Celebrates National Small Business Week by Calling on Congress to Pass Small Business Relief

As the small business community celebrates National Small Business Week this week, the National Association for the Self-Employed, the nation's leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, together with major small business groups and their allies are calling on Congress to pass a Small Business Relief Package.
Posted on Sep 22, 2020

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