Expert Advice & The Latest Small Business News | NASE


Small Business Leaders Send Letter to Congress Calling for Stand-Alone Small Business COVID-19 Relief

Small Business Roundtable (SBR), a coalition of leading small business and entrepreneurship organizations, urges an immediate stand-alone small business package to assist the most fragile small businesses at such a critical time.
Posted on Sep 21, 2020

Best 9 Technology Hacks for Small Business Owners

On top of actually selling, small business owners often singlehandedly manage a variety of day-to-day tasks: accounting, record-keeping, inventory, marketing, and more. Without a large team of specialized employees or a large budget for outsourcing such work, the more mundane details of maintaining a company can become overwhelming.
Posted on Aug 26, 2020

Empowering Self-Employment

Yengyee Lor is an NASE Member from Weston, Wisconsin and is the Founder, Coach, and Consultant at Faithful Consulting LLC. Faithful Consulting provides leadership, training, team building, facilitation, goal planning, strategizing, coaching, counseling, assessments, and management to help individuals and organizations with meaningful solutions that create positive and meaningful solutions both internally and externally.
Posted on Aug 26, 2020

Congress Recesses; Trump Signs One Executive Order and Three Memorandums in Response to COVID-19

On Saturday, August 8, President Trump signed for executive orders in an effort to provide economic relief during the COVID-19 pandemic. Congress was unable to come to an agreement prior to the August recess; however, House and Senate leaders have said they will call back members if a deal materializes during the recess.
Posted on Aug 26, 2020

Protecting Your eCommerce Site from Cyber Attack

If you're an eCommerce business owner, you probably already know how important it is to maintain your website's security. A secure site helps you sustain your operations, but it’s also critical to retaining your customers' trust. When your customers entrust you to keep their sensitive information protected, you must be able to deliver on that promise.
Posted on Aug 25, 2020 by Luke Smith

Should Self-Employed Small Business Owners Worry About Click Fraud?

Click fraud is a term that you may or may not have heard before. It relates to the use of automated systems that emulate real users clicking on PPC (pay per click) ads, such as Google or Amazon ads. While many people think that this type of thing is really only a concern for big businesses with huge advertising campaigns, and that nobody would target a small business in this way, click fraud is actually a big concern for anyone who uses PPC advertising. Here, we look at why this is, and what you can do to make sure you don't become a victim.
Posted on Aug 25, 2020 by Ella Woodward

Digital Marketing Tips During Isolation: Don't Quarantine Your Brand

There is no denying that the world has changed drastically in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many businesses have closed their physical locations and are now operating remotely. Hundreds of thousands of workers are working from home and brands are being forced to reevaluate their marketing tactics as the global economy adapts. Some businesses are using this uncertain time to dial back their marketing to save money and not waste, but this is not the time to go dark. Despite most of the world entering quarantine, now is the time to alter your business’ marketing strategies to ensure your brand remains in your customer’s minds. Advertising during isolation is different from advertising under normal conditions, but that is not a reason to stop marketing altogether. By following the tips and tricks below, your business can continue to market effectively despite the current world state.
Posted on Jul 30, 2020 by Nick Rojas

The Ultimate Guide To Selecting The Right Email Marketing Service For Your Business

As a business owner, you must always be looking at any options that are available to you when it comes to software. Choosing the first option that you come across is rarely a good idea as there are often cheaper or more effective versions out there. Sure, you could get lucky and find the perfect solution right away, but this isn’t always the case.
Posted on Jul 30, 2020 by Ella Woodward

7 Ways To Get New Customers

Whether you’re launching a new venture or already have an established customer base, the key to growing your small business is winning new customers. The National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE) offers seven proven techniques for reaching new customers. These methods are used by businesses large and small, but most cost little beyond a commitment to their implementation and sustained practice.
Posted on Jul 24, 2020

Dell Offerings for NASE Members

EXCLUSIVE PARTNER PROMOTIONS NASE Members receive up to an additional 10% off all Dell branded products on DEDICATED PARTNERSHIP With one-on-one dedicated support, you can conveniently call, talk or chat with your Dell Technologies Advisor directly.
Posted on Jul 24, 2020

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