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Continued Relief for America’s Self-Employed

In a letter to congressional leaders, the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE) submitted several policy objectives that should be included in the next phase of relief legislation that the Congress looks to consider in the month of July.
Posted on Jul 24, 2020

NASE Joins NAWBO in a Letter to Congressional Leaders

On Thursday, June 24, NASE joined the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) in calling for two important policy initiatives to be prioritized in the next round of COVID relief legislation.
Posted on Jul 24, 2020

NASE Partners with Dell Small Business to Support America’s Small Business Community

With the mission of supporting the small business community, the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-business community, today announced that Dell (NYSE: DELL), an American multinational technology company headquartered in Round Rock, Texas, will sponsor the association’s Growth Grant program in July. The Dell Business Development grant will help support small businesses across the country. Dell previously supported the small business community by sponsoring the April Growth Grant from NASE.
Posted on Jul 17, 2020

NASE Joins Small Business Roundtable in Highlighting Priorities for Congress

In a letter to Congressional leaders, the NASE, a founding member of the Small Business Roundtable, identified key priorities for the next round of legislation focused on supporting America's small businesses during the COVID-19 crisis.
Posted on Jul 17, 2020

NASE Joins Broad Business Coalition in Support of PPP Loan Foregiveness

On the heels of the NASE endorsing, S. 4117, The Paycheck Protection Program Small Business Forgiveness Act, legislation that would forgive PPP loans of less than $150,000 upon the borrower’s completion of a simple, one-page forgiveness document.
Posted on Jul 09, 2020

REMINDER: Tax Filing Deadline & Tax Payments Due on July 15th

With the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic having impacted the small business community, the Trump Administration announced last March that the U.S. Treasury and IRS extended both the tax filing deadline and any tax payments to July 15th. Keith Hall, the president and CEO of the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation's leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, warned those who have not yet filed their 2019 tax returns to “file your 2019 tax returns and pay any required tax by the upcoming July 15th tax deadline.”
Posted on Jul 09, 2020

Support of S. 4117, The Paycheck Protection Program Small Business Forgiveness Act

Today, the NASE offered its support to S. 4117, The Paycheck Protection Program Small Business Forgiveness Act. Introduced by Sen. Cramer (R-ND) and Sen. Sinema (D-AZ), this legislation that would forgive PPP loans of less than $150,000 upon the borrower’s completion of a simple, one-page forgiveness document.
Posted on Jul 08, 2020

Continued Relief for America’s Self-Employed

In a letter to congressional leaders, the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE) submitted several policy objectives that should be included in the next phase of relief legislation that the Congress looks to consider in the month of July.
Posted on Jul 08, 2020

Top Tips for Surviving the Summer for the Self-Employed

As a self-employed small business owner, you’re used to wearing many hats. You might be the boss, the marketing department, a childcare provider, and an IT expert all on the same day. You have to keep yourself on track, become an expert at what you do, and keep it all running smoothly at the same time. There is an incredible amount of pride and freedom that comes with being self-employed and running your own business, along with numerous challenges you deal with every day.
Posted on Jun 26, 2020

Protecting Self-Employment

Andy Pham is the Founder of Company Alarm located in Meridian, Idaho. Andy Pham is a serial entrepreneur who has successfully started more than 30 companies in the last 20 years. Those businesses range from real estate development to medical technology to oil and gas drilling and production programs. Company Alarm, started in 2019 after Andy himself had an incident of business identity theft.
Posted on Jun 26, 2020

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