Expert Advice & The Latest Small Business News | NASE


Small Business Roundtable Sends Letter to the Treasury Department and SBA on PPP Guidance

The Small Business Roundtable sent a letter to US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin and Small Business Administrator Jovita Carranza seeking crucial clarification on the Paycheck Protection Program. The Small Business Roundtable (SBR) is a coalition of leading small business and entrepreneurship organizations, dedicated to advancing policy, securing access, and promoting inclusion to benefit the businesses at the heart of the American economy.
Posted on Apr 01, 2020

The Tech Tools Your Business Should Begin Investing In

Your business already uses some technology and tech tools to optimize different aspects of your day-to-day. However, you shouldn't become complacent. Customer security, for example, is an area where the overall situation is rapidly evolving and customer needs are becoming more complex. To meet these needs, you have to upgrade to the right tools.
Posted on Mar 31, 2020 by Susan Ranford

8 Ways to Stretch Business Boundaries Using Social Media

As a small business owner, entrepreneur or solo freelancer, you probably already know that in 2020, social media is not an optional part of your online footprint. ​In fact, social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter may be the first place potential customers find you — even before they locate your business website. How can you maximize these valuable pieces of digital real estate to reach new customers and grow your brand?
Posted on Mar 26, 2020

Producing Self-Employment

Sharon T. Hinton is the Founder and President of PepTalk Productions, LLC located in Memphis, Tennessee. PepTalk Productions began in 2000 and provides presentations, courses, and other resources for personal and professional development to nurses, chaplains and anyone interested in spiritual care.
Posted on Mar 26, 2020

Supporting America’s Self-Employed Through Coronavirus Impact

As our members face the growing uncertainty of the economic impact of the Coronavirus, we wanted to share the growing list of resources that are being made available to support you during this challenging time. Please note that the NASE remains a strong and supportive partner to you as we all navigate these choppy waters, remember to leverage our Ask the Expert resource and continue to subscribe to our social media channels for the most up to date information, you can find us on Facebook and Instagram. Through this all, we will continue to advocate for the self-employed as legislation is being considered and regulatory action is taken.
Posted on Mar 26, 2020

NASE Welcomes Stimulus Package that Includes Relief for the Self-Employed, Gig-Economy Workers

As the U.S. Congress prepares to approve its third phase stimulus package, “Keeping American Workers Employed and Paid Act,” the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-business community, today welcomed the financial relief for the small business community, including provisions for the self-employed and gig-economy workers. NASE also encouraged policymakers to include language supporting all classifications of non-profits as the process moves forward.
Posted on Mar 25, 2020

Just Announced: Both Tax Filing Deadline & Tax Payments Deferred for 90 Days Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

With the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic impacting every sector of our economy, the Trump Administration has just announced that the U.S. Treasury and IRS will extend both the April 15th tax filing deadline and any tax payments by 90 days to July 15th this year on up to $1 million in income. In reaction, Keith Hall, the president and CEO of the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation's leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, welcomed the relief, but also encouraged the small business community to aim to “complete and file your 2019 tax returns by the original April 15th deadline, if possible, but know more time is available if you need it or are impacted by COVID-19.” NASE has developed a COVID-19 resource page for small businesses impacted by the virus.
Posted on Mar 20, 2020

Letter to Congressional Leadership on Coronavirus Response

Posted on Mar 19, 2020

Trump Delivers Third State of the Union,  No Mention of Small Business

On the eve of the Senate acquitting President Trump and avoiding impeachment, the President delivered his third and final State of the Union of his first term. While the speech noted in great detail the economic success of the US, it was a bit of a shock that during the nearly 90 min speech, the President did not mention small business or entrepreneurs.
Posted on Feb 28, 2020

3 Do’s & Don’ts of Filing Your Taxes

Navigating business taxes can be a complicated and even scary process, whether you’re new to the system or not. In fact, the surge of the “gig economy” means more Americans than ever will be working through filing business taxes this year. According to the Gig Economy Index, nearly one in three US workers are earning side incomes through jobs like freelance writing and Uber driving that could be classified as businesses by the IRS.
Posted on Feb 28, 2020

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