Expert Advice & The Latest Small Business News | NASE


5 Most Effective Marketing Strategies for Self-Employed People

When being self-employed, sometimes it’s hard to get the word out. But, here are some effective tips to help market yourself as a self-employed SEO professional.
Posted on Aug 14, 2019 by Emily Bartels

$12K in Small Business Growth Grants Awarded by the National Association for the Self-Employed

Three small businesses have been awarded a total of $12,000 in Growth Grants from the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-business community. These small businesses were announced as the fourth quarter 2018 Growth Grant recipients. In 2018, NASE handed out a total of $48,000 in grants to small businesses from across the country.
Posted on Aug 12, 2019

As Students Head to College, National Small Business Association Awards $12,000 in Scholarships to Four Students

With tightening budgets and college students heading off to school to start the fall semester, the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-business community, today announced the awarding of $12,000 in educational scholarships to four dependents of current NASE members.
Posted on Aug 05, 2019

Tips to Protect Your Small Business From Fraud and Scams

Most companies, big and small, are aware of fraud and scams. Whether the scams are in person or online, they can come with serious consequences. Both businesses and lives can be significantly affected by fraud and scams. These crimes are committed every day and businesses need to be prepared for these attacks. There are some simple steps businesses can take to prevent losses from these crimes.
Posted on Jul 31, 2019 by Nick Rojas

Customer Attrition vs. Customer Retention

Establishing and growing a loyal base of customers is essential to the success of every small business. Customer attrition and retention metrics can help entrepreneurs identify best business practices that deliver profitable results. Attrition and retention rates combined with data from regular customer feedback is significantly useful when analyzing customer trends, challenges, and motivations that can have a deciding impact on the future of a small business. The following paper covers the definitions of customer attrition and retention, ways to evaluate these figures, and strategies for retaining customers.
Posted on Jul 17, 2019

2019 Scholarship Winners

With summer in full swing, that means the start of a new school year is right around the corner. As many of our readers know, the NASE offers a $3,000 educational scholarship to the dependents of NASE Members who are between the ages of 16 and 24. To date we have awarded almost $1.9 million and below are the four most recent recipients.
Posted on Jul 17, 2019

Trump Administration Takes Additional Steps to Improve Health Care Pricing and Transparency

On Monday, June 24, President Trump signed an executive order directing his Administration to take additional steps to improve upon price and transparency in health care.
Posted on Jul 17, 2019

A Retirement Planning Roadmap for the Self-Employed

Retirement. The beginning of a new chapter in the life of a small business owner. Everyone dreams about the transition from the world of work to the freedom that retirement brings. Maybe one of your initial reasons for starting a business was the desire to retire early, or to ensure a secure retirement for yourself and your family. You are not alone in your desire for that independence and peace of mind.
Posted on Jun 27, 2019

Long Term Advocacy Efforts Net New HRA Regulations

Finally, after nearly six years of active advocacy efforts, the Trump Administration announced on June 14, 2019, new rule on how Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRA) can be leveraged by small employers. The rule undoes an Obama administration action that severely limited how businesses could utilize HRAs.
Posted on Jun 27, 2019

Database For Self Employed: Everything You Need to Know

We are living in a world of abundant data and all that data is collectible for marketing purposes. A lack of data can hinder a company in a big way. Not knowing who your customers are, what they want, or how they react to marketing will negatively impact your company. That is why collecting proper data is crucial for business, no matter if you’re self-employed or a large corporation.
Posted on Jun 24, 2019 by Nick Rojas

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