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National Association for the Self-Employed Awards $24K in Small Business Growth Grants

Six small businesses have been awarded a total of $24,000 in Growth Grants from the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-business community. These small businesses were announced as first and second quarter 2018 Growth Grant recipients. Throughout 2018, NASE will hand out a total of $48,000 in grants to small businesses from across the country.
Posted on Sep 10, 2018

NASE Express Support of Retirement Security Executive Order

Signed by the President on the eve of the Labor Day holiday, the retirement security executive order would open multiple employer plans (MEPs) to small businesses and “expand(ing) access to workplace retirement savings plans for American workers.
Posted on Aug 31, 2018

National Association for the Self-Employed Statement on Signing of Retirement Security Executive Order

Today, National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, offered the following statement on President Trump’s signing of an executive order said to be opening multiple employer plans (MEPs) to small businesses and “expand(ing) access to workplace retirement savings plans for American workers.”
Posted on Aug 31, 2018

Make Your Small Business Website Work as Hard as You Do

One of the first things you probably did when establishing your small or micro business was to build a website. An online home is mandatory for any successful business. Whether you built it yourself or hired a web designer to build it for you, don’t let your website become a glorified business card with static information that never changes. With a little planning and effort, your website can become an important part of your sales process.
Posted on Aug 24, 2018

Getting Social

As an NASE member, you are the driving force for what we do. Promoting self-employment and providing as many self-employed people as possible with our wide variety of benefits is something we do every day. But is it something you do? A great way for you to show your support for the NASE is to Like, Join and Follow us on our social media channels to help spread awareness.
Posted on Aug 24, 2018

NASE Calls for President Trump to Convene White House Conference on Small Business (WHCSB)

In a letter to President Trump, NASE along with hundreds of small business organizations, called on the Administration to issue an Executive Order authorizing the next White House Conference on Small Business (WHCSB) which has not been held since 1995.
Posted on Aug 24, 2018

NASE Joins Efforts to Promote White House Conference on Small Business

NASE has joined a growing coalition of small business organizations calling the Administration to host a White House Conference on Small Business.
Posted on Jul 30, 2018

NASE Supports a Slew of Health Care Related Bills

The House passed a series of bills this week to expand HSA flexibility while also delaying the ACA's health insurance tax (HIT) until 2021 and repealing the medical device tax. Among the bills passed this week:
Posted on Jul 27, 2018

5 Reasons You Need to Rethink Your Marketing Plan

Marketing is an important part of growing a business. No matter how great your product or service, if no one knows you exist, especially your target audience, you may find it difficult to pay the bills. A good marketing strategy can put you on the right track to gain new and repeat customers. Unfortunately, many small business owners put marketing on the back burner, and by doing so, may be sending their potential customers to their competitors.
Posted on Jul 27, 2018

Search Engine Optimization vs. Search Engine Marketing

Still unsure about last month’s article on SEO & SEM? Read on to find out more. SEO & SEM what’s the difference? SEO, what are organic search results and why are they so important? When trying to explain to a member the importance of getting your business’ website listed in search engines the terms SEO and SEM always come up. Quite often I’m asked what the difference is between the two.
Posted on Jul 27, 2018

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