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Tax Code Updates Every American Should Know Before Filing This Year’s Returns

As millions of American’s, including the small business community, prepare their 2017 tax filings, the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, today released a list of important tips and resources for filing accurate returns, including updates to the tax code and ways to reduce tax liability.
Posted on Mar 05, 2018

Tax Preparation Guide for Small Business Owners

Tax season is upon us, and it can be a tricky time for small business owners and people who are self-employed. With income from multiple sources, plus expenses, deductions, and investments, navigating your taxes can take precious time you likely just don’t have. Here’s a guide to make preparing your taxes just a little bit easier—think of it as an entrepreneur’s roadmap on the journey to stress-free taxes.
Posted on Feb 27, 2018

Small Business Technology: Responsive Website Design vs. Mobile Web App

Still unsure about last month’s article on Mobile Web Apps and Responsive Website Design? Read on to find out more. A responsive website is a site built so that it automatically detects what the screen size of the device you’re using is as well as other limitations such as the browser type and any secondary applications that might be necessary for the site to function correctly. Then, the website automatically modifies the content to fit the constraints. The problem with responsive sites is that it’s simply impossible to create one site that works with all screen sizes, browsers and other secondary applications consistently. The factors are too numerous to go into but this is often the preferred option for many companies as it is a more cost friendly option.
Posted on Feb 27, 2018

Should I Hire a CPA to do my Taxes

Question: I am getting all of my stuff together for this year’s tax return and was wondering…should I hire a CPA or enrolled agent or should I do this myself? Answer: This is a great first question in the quest to complete your tax return and is the first question you should answer each and every year.
Posted on Feb 27, 2018

Trump Gives First State of the Union

President Trump gave his first State of the Union address on Tuesday, January 30, celebrating his one year in office and successful passage of a key campaign promise, comprehensive tax reform.
Posted on Feb 27, 2018 by Katie Vlietstra

NASE Pushes for Greater Use of HRAs

NASE, a long standing champion, of health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), requested the the Departments of Labor, Health & Human Services, and Treasury, rescind guidance that was issued in 2015 the severely restricted how small businesses use HRAs.
Posted on Feb 26, 2018

NASE Testifies on the Challenges of Occupational Licensing

NASE President and CEO, Keith Hall, testified today in front of the House Small Business Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access on “Occupational Hazards: How Excessive Licensing Hurts Small Business."
Posted on Feb 22, 2018

NASE Supports Nomination of David C. Tryon, for Chief Counsel for Advocacy at (SBA)

NASE joined dozens of other small business associations in support of the confirmation of David C. Tryon, as Chief Counsel for Advocacy at the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).
Posted on Feb 13, 2018

NASE Encourages Administration and Congress to Work Together on Implementation of New Tax Law

As President Donald Trump delivers his first State of the Union Address tonight, Keith Hall, president and CEO of the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation's leading resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, released the following statement applauding “the simplification of the tax overhaul while encouraging further tax relief for America’s small business community.”
Posted on Jan 30, 2018

Mobile Web Apps vs. Responsive Web Design

Which Is Right For Your Small Business Website? About 77% of U.S. adults own a smartphone. Fifty-one percent of these adults reported making online purchases via their smartphone, according to Pew Research. With many consumers viewing company websites and making their online purchases on their phones, as an entrepreneur starting a business or growing a business, responsive web design should be a priority.
Posted on Jan 30, 2018

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