Expert Advice & The Latest Small Business News | NASE


Deductible Expenses

Question: I am attempting to complete my first Schedule C for my new business and I am not sure what is deductible. Do you have a list of deductible expenses that I can use? Answer: There are certainly expenses that are common to all small businesses and those that are common to specific industries.
Posted on Oct 18, 2017

Let’s Connect!

As an NASE member, you are the driving force for what we do. Promoting self-employment and providing as many self-employed people as possible with our wide variety of benefits is something we do every day. But is it something you do? A great way for you to show your support for the NASE is to Like, Join and Follow us on our social media channels to help spread awareness.
Posted on Oct 18, 2017

House Small Business Committee Introduces Tax Legislation

The NASE enthusiastically supports new legislation proposed by the leaders of the House Small Business Committee leadership earlier in September. H.R. 3717, Small Business Owners’ Tax Simplification Act of 2017, legislation was drafted in close consultation with the NASE, and we are incredibly appreciative of the inclusion of many key priorities we advocated for being included in the final legislation.
Posted on Oct 18, 2017

NASE Supports Key HRA Provisions of President Trump’s Health Care Executive Order Today

he National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-business community, today applauded the Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs) provisions of today’s Promoting Healthcare Choice and Competition Across the United States Executive Order signed by President Trump.
Posted on Oct 12, 2017

Tax Framework Good for Small Businesses

Katie Vlietstra, Vice President for Public Affairs and Government Relations for the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation's leading resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, applauded the tax framework developed by the White House and Republican leaders as reported earlier today by The Washington Post:
Posted on Sep 27, 2017

Small Business Start-Up Financing Options

Every year, choices for business financing are more plentiful: small banks, Internet banks, crowdfunding, grants and creative investment are just a few of the methods growing rapidly. However, running concurrently with this availability is a set of legal risks that also grows each year. Small businesses have less protection than corporations in banking and loan fulfillment areas, in general, but carry liability in every job they do or product they sell. This is especially true for sole proprietors, who usually risk home and family finances when starting or expanding their ventures.
Posted on Sep 26, 2017

Updating Your Annual Plan

One of my favorite Christmas carols includes that phrase about school starting again and as a parent I never really understood that. When the kids were out of school I always had a great excuse NOT to think about things such as estimated tax payments or year-end planning because there was always the beach and baseball and the pool.
Posted on Sep 26, 2017

Granting Self-Employment

Chris Bouchard is the founder and CEO of Revgen Solutions LLC located in Dayville, Connecticut. The vision of RevGen is to increase the impact that organizations have on society and the economy by assisting them to develop healthy, strategic, and sustainable initiatives. While working part-time as a case manager for a grant funded program Chris began to blossom and knew he found his calling in being behind the scenes and helping others fundraise for worthy causes.
Posted on Sep 26, 2017

NASE Supports Congressional Legislation on Fiduciary Rule

The NASE has publicly announced its support for H.R. 2823, “Affordable Retirement Advice for Savers Act.” Introduced in the House by Chairman Roskam (R-IL) and Dr. Roe (R-TN) the legislation puts the interests of the American small business community ahead of federal red tape by overturning the burdensome fiduciary rule. The fiduciary rule is a one size fits all regulation and places a significant financial burden on small business. The NASE feels strongly that burdensome regulation will stifle innovation and growth in the small business sector and superfluous rules like these are simply a barrier to economic growth.
Posted on Sep 26, 2017

NASE Applauds Small Business Tax Bill Introduced by Chairman Chabot

The NASE enthusiastically supports H.R. 3717, the Small Business Owners’ Tax Simplification Act, introduced by House Small Business Committee chairman Steve Chabot (R-OH) and ranking member Nydia Velázquez (D-NY).
Posted on Sep 11, 2017

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