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National Association for the Self-Employed Awards $12,000 in Scholarships to Four College Students

As back to school season approaches and college students across the country prepare to pay steep college tuition fees, the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-business community, today announced the awarding of $12,000 in educational scholarships to four dependents of current NASE members.
Posted on Aug 28, 2017

Striking While the Iron is Hot

Starting a business is an exciting endeavor. When the possibilities are endless and the canvas before you is blank, it is often easy to get swept up in the excitement and lose sight of some of the key logistics and planning that are essential to growing a business. This white paper examines some important considerations for any new business owner and provides practical tips for success.
Posted on Aug 25, 2017

Amended Tax Return

Question: I was talking with some friends at Sunday school about, of all things, taxes. I think I may have done my tax return incorrectly and actually omitted some expense deductions that I should have included. Is it too late to correct the error?
Posted on Aug 25, 2017

NASE 2017 Dependent Scholarship Winners

This year we had over twenty dependents of NASE members apply for our four annual scholarships. The applications were truly outstanding, all applicants deserve praise. With this year complete, it marks the 28th year we have been able to give our educational scholarship to our member’s dependents and we couldn’t be more proud.
Posted on Aug 25, 2017

Administration and Congress Release Principles for Tax Reform

On July 27, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT), and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) outlined their bold plan for comprehensive tax reform. In close coordination with the Trump Administration, the House and Senate leaders, announced the key areas of focus in the legislation:
Posted on Aug 25, 2017

NASE Urges Senate Action on Nominees

On Thursday, August 3, the NASE along with 90 other business organizations urged Leader McConnell and Minority Leader Schumer "to take expeditious steps to ensure the timely confirmation of qualified pending nominees to administration positions."
Posted on Aug 03, 2017

8 Tips to Turbo-Charge Your Marketing Without Spending a Bundle

Everyone knows that marketing and advertising have the power to increase awareness of your business, boost sales and create customer loyalty. If you don’t invest marketing dollars wisely, backed by a solid brand strategy, you can end up spending a lot with little ROI. Consider these free or low-cost tips for growing sales and building your brand by marketing smart.
Posted on Jul 26, 2017

Talented Self-Employment

Mary G. Mora is the owner of MGM Speakers Bureau, located in Winston Salem, North Carolina with services available worldwide. MGM Speakers Bureau is a Talent Agency who works with Corporations, Event Planners, Associations, For-profit and Non-profit Organizations, HR Departments, Individuals, and others.
Posted on Jul 26, 2017

ACA Repeal/Replace Sputters

Late in June, Senate Republicans introduced their long awaited legislation to repeal/replace the Affordable Care Act. However, unlike the House version, which passed the House, the Senate bill was met with immediate skepticism from within the Senate Republican caucus. Members of the Conservative and Moderate wing, immediately called for continued negotiations—with very different and in many cases, conflicting demands. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had to scrap an anticipated pre-July 4th vote on the legislation as he has been unable to secure 50 Republican votes to move the measure forward.
Posted on Jul 26, 2017

Millennials in the Marketplace

They are Millennials—Americans in the prime of their lives at ages 18-34, and a group often misunderstood by companies large and small. Some consider them slackers who never launch from their parents’ homes because they don’t want responsibility. Others misconstrue Millennial’s active digital lives as meaning they struggle to make human connections.
Posted on Jun 30, 2017

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