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The Dust Settles

On Thursday, March 23, Republican Leadership pulled the American Health Care Act (AHCA) from being considered by the House of Representatives, citing that they did not have the support of the Republican Caucus, specifically, the influential Freedom Caucus who continued to withhold their support even after numerous concessions had been granted.
Posted on Apr 29, 2017

Trump’s Tax Plan Could Turn ‘Everyone and Their Dog’ Into an LLC (Bloomberg)

The Trump administration’s proposal to slash the tax rate on partnerships and limited liability companies could set off a stampede of individual taxpayers trying to reclassify themselves as so-called pass-through businesses in order to take advantage of the savings, according to tax experts.
Posted on Apr 28, 2017

National Association for the Self-Employed Statement on President Trump’s Tax Plan

In response to President Trump’s release today of his tax reform proposal, Keith Hall, President and CEO of the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation's leading resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, released the following statement:
Posted on Apr 26, 2017

How Trump’s tax plan would affect Californians (San Francisco Chronicle)

President Trump’s tax proposal for individuals would give California taxpayers some tax breaks but take away others. Without more details, it’s impossible to say what the net effect would be, but here are a few things we can surmise from the bare-bones plan released Wednesday.
Posted on Apr 26, 2017

Small businesses see 'mixed bag' from Trump so far — but they're hopeful (CNBC)

Main Street sentiment has soared in the wake of the election of Donald Trump on hopes that the Washington outsider will usher in an era of business-friendly policies to bolster the economy.
Posted on Apr 26, 2017

NASE Statement on Trump Administration’s First 100 Days

Posted on Apr 25, 2017

10 Low-Hanging Fruit Ideas to Skyrocket Your Earnings This Year (Forbes)

According to data collected from CB Insights, 29% of startups fail because of a cash flow crunch. It ranked as number two on the list of reasons why businesses fail, right below “lack of market need for a product or service.”
Posted on Apr 15, 2017

Last Minute Tips to Filing Your 2016 Tax Returns

With just two-weeks until the tax filing deadline of April 18th, the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, released a list of changes and adjustments to the tax code along with important tips and resources for filing accurate returns and ways to reduce their tax liability.
Posted on Apr 04, 2017

7 Tax Facts Entrepreneurs Need to Know Before Filing This Year (Entrepreneur)

As the Tuesday, April 18th tax-filing deadline looms ahead, you probably have already started to gather all of your necessary tax documents and are likely spending your afternoons organizing them into neat piles of paperwork. This may include business receipts to W-2 forms, investment statements, student loan documents and other important, personalized financial documents necessary for filing a complete and accurate 2016 tax return.
Posted on Mar 26, 2017

The Six Things You Must Know to File 2016 Tax Returns for Your Small Business

Tax season is upon us, and many small business owners are scrambling to pull together all the documentation needed to complete their returns. Tax preparation is expensive, time-consuming work for business owners, even for those who hire professional tax preparers. And no wonder. While the tax code in 1955 was 409,000 words, today it is around 4 million according to a National Taxpayer Advocate report. Just to get a handle on that, that’s five times longer than the Bible, both old and new testaments. “If tax compliance were an industry, it would be one of the largest in the United States,” the report says.
Posted on Mar 24, 2017

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