Expert Advice & The Latest Small Business News | NASE


Small Business Community Reacts to Trump’s Health Care & Economy

As President Trump Addresses a Joint Session of Congress, Katie Vlietstra, Vice President of Public Affairs and Government Relations for the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation's leading resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, released the following statement applauding the optimistic tone of strengthening health care and the economy, while urging the president to work with Congress on legislation:
Posted on Feb 28, 2017

Legislative Outlook: An Unpredictable Year

The self-employed saw 2016 end on a positive note when a federal judge indefinitely delayed enforcement of the Department of Labor’s new overtime rule. The rule would have required employers to begin paying overtime to certain employees earning less than $47,476 a year, a considerable increase from the current $23,660 threshold. The impact of this rule would be highly damaging to a large percentage of small business owners already struggling to manage their bottom lines. The court’s decision confirms that our elected officials, even in the aftermath of a toxic election cycle, are well aware of the need to protect the economic viability of small businesses.
Posted on Feb 28, 2017

Do I Need a CPA

Q: I am in my second year as a small business owner and I am still not sure if I am required to use a CPA to do my tax return. What is my best option? A: Your question is a great one and one that should be answered before you do anything else related to completing your annual income tax return. As a CPA myself, I certainly don’t want to talk you out of using a professional but it is my concerted opinion that almost all of us are capable of preparing our own tax return.
Posted on Feb 28, 2017

2016 Growth Grant Winners

With 2016 in the rear view mirror, we thought we would take one last opportunity to recognize all of our outstanding Growth Grant winners from last year. It is with great members like you that we are able to support initiatives such as this, so a big THANK YOU from the NASE staff.
Posted on Feb 28, 2017

NASE Testifies To House Small Business Committee On Health Care Reform

On Tuesday, February 7, NASE’s President and CEO Keith Hall testified to the House Small Business Committee on what our members want and need to see from any health care reform efforts. Under the title, “Reimagining the Health Care Marketplace for America’s Small Businesses,” Mr. Hall focused on three key areas: quality, accessibility, and affordability.
Posted on Feb 28, 2017

Fiduciary Rule: Wise Safeguard or Unfair Burden? (New York Times)

I respectfully disagree with your Feb. 12 editorial “Retirement Advice in the Trump Era,” because the fiduciary rule is not a “common-sense safeguard”; rather, it’s a complex and burdensome regulation that imposes an unfair cost onto America’s smallest businesses.
Posted on Feb 21, 2017

How To Prepare for Filing 2016 Taxes: Tips for Small Businesses & American Public

With two months until the April 18th tax-filing deadline, it is never too early to start preparing your 2016 tax returns. The National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, today released a list of helpful tips for filing accurate and beneficial tax returns for small business owners and the American public. The tips released today by NASE are focused on helping taxpayers maximize opportunities for saving money and minimizing errors.
Posted on Feb 17, 2017

Spotlight on Small Business Health Coverage at House Hearing (Medpage Today)

Members of a House committee tangled over the effect of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on small businesses and what the best solutions could be, although there were a few hints of areas for agreement. "The fact that there are people who couldn't get insurance before because of a preexisting condition -- I think the ACA did well in that area," said Keith Hall, president and CEO of the National Association for the Self-Employed
Posted on Feb 08, 2017

NASE Testifies to House Small Business Committee on Health Care Reform

On Tuesday, February 7, NASE’s President and CEO Keith Hall testified to the House Small Business Committee on what our members want and need to see from any health care reform efforts.
Posted on Feb 07, 2017

NASE Asks House and Senate Leader to Protect Pre-Existing Conditions in Any Reform Efforts

The NASE, along with 100+ organization, has asked House and Senate leaders to protect pre-existing conditions in any ACA reform efforts.
Posted on Feb 06, 2017

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