Expert Advice & The Latest Small Business News | NASE


NASE President to Testify on Small Business Owners’ Expectations for Health Care Reform

As the United States Congress debates the future of the health care system, Keith Hall, president and CEO of the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation's leading resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, will testify on Tuesday, February 7th before the House Committee on Small Business about the challenges and opportunities in health care.
Posted on Feb 06, 2017

Entrepreneurs: Health law changes may mean finding new jobs (Associated Press)

Stay in business for yourself or go back to working for someone else? That's the choice some small business owners and freelancers are worried they may have to make, depending on what changes Congress makes in the health care law.
Posted on Feb 01, 2017

10 WAYS to Grow Your Business with WEBINARS in 2017

Small business owners that want to grow their revenues significantly in 2017 should add webinars to their marketing mix. Whether you want to get noticed in your community or be a national player, these 30-to-90 minute educational presentations are highly effective in generating quality leads and customers for your products or services. Start-ups, small businesses and even corporates are experiencing success from webinars. Kissmetrics (an analytical platform for teams) generated $1.7 million from just 77 webinars. This doesn’t shock marketing guru Neil Patel of Quick Sprout, who says that on average marketers achieve conversion rates (attendee-to-sale) of about 20%-40%. This is extraordinary compared to lackluster email conversion rates of 2-12%.
Posted on Jan 31, 2017

Social Media for Self-Employed Small Business Owners

Q: There are so many website to be a part of, I am not sure if I should be on Facebook or Twitter or Both? Which is better and what do you recommend? A: Great question. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard a small business owner tell us how much they market their business on social media but they don’t seem to generate new business or higher sales.
Posted on Jan 31, 2017

Can You Picture Yourself in the Spotlight

Do you want free publicity for your business? If you're an NASE Member, the NASE can help you promote your business! Simply fill out our "Get Publicity!" form here, and you and your business could be featured in an NASE publication, like our monthly member e-newsletter, SelfInformed.
Posted on Jan 31, 2017

President Trump Issues Five Executive Orders

President Trump wasted no time and issued five executive orders within the first three days of his presidency. All of the executive orders fulfilled promises he made on the campaign trail.
Posted on Jan 31, 2017

Small Business Agenda Items for the Trump Administration

As President-elect Donald J. Trump prepares to take the oath of office of President of the United States tomorrow, Katie Vlietstra, Vice President of Public Affairs and Government Relations for the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation's leading resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses released the following statement encouraging the new president to “work with the small business community and across the aisle to find common ground in making our economy stronger.”
Posted on Jan 19, 2017

Small Business Community Looking for Clear Action to Stabilize Health Care Marketplace

As the U.S. Congress begins initial legislative actions to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Katie Vlietstra, Vice President of Public Affairs and Government Relations for the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation's leading resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses is available to discuss how best Congress should move forward with the replace process the health care law.
Posted on Jan 12, 2017

Small Business Community’s Open Letter to the 115th Congress

As the 115th Congress convenes today, Katie Vlietstra, Vice President of Public Affairs and Government Relations for the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation's leading resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, published the below open letter calling for bipartisan support for the small business community to help strengthen the nation’s economic engine, by specifically addressing the areas of health care, regulatory evaluation and tax reform.
Posted on Jan 03, 2017

Starting Off Your New Year Right

As 2016 draws to a close and the New Year stretches out ahead with so much promise, many small business owners and self-employed people wonder, how can I make next year more successful than the last? Many of us have checklists and calendars we go through, there are past-year audits that are recommended, some even advocate a good old fashioned scrubbing and cleaning to promote clarity and a fresh start! While each of those methods have their merits, creating an actionable plan for success in the upcoming year can be a daunting task. As such, many people make it too large of an endeavor and don’t know where to begin. This year, I suggest you condense your end-of-year audit and future planning into one activity, borrowed from the Agile software development world, called a retrospective.
Posted on Dec 20, 2016

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