Reaction Statement on President’s Fiscal Year 2014 Budget: Tax Reform Must Be Fair and Comprehensive

Press Releases

Reaction Statement on President’s Fiscal Year 2014 Budget: Tax Reform Must Be Fair and Comprehensive


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

CONTACT: Kristofer Eisenla, Luna Eisenla Media | 202-670-5747 (mobile)


Reaction Statement on President’s Fiscal Year 2014 Budget

Tax Reform Must Be Fair and Comprehensive

Policymakers Should Recognize Contributions of America’s Smallest Businesses

WASHINGTON – With the release of President Barack Obama’s Fiscal Year 2014 Budget, Katie Vlietstra, Director of Government Relations for The National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, responded today:

“We cannot agree more with President Obama’s budget that aims to make the tax code more simple and fair. But the sad reality is our tax code is unfair for the millions of small businesses that want to grow and expand their small businesses, and even more deterring for those who want to open their own small businesses. While job creation and closing loopholes are important, just as essential is creating the environment for new and existing small businesses to thrive without a paper trail of unnecessary and complex requirements.”

This comes as the Small Business Committee holds a hearing today entitled, Small Business Tax Reform: Growth Through Simplicity, where Vlietstra continued that “any meaningful tax reform must recognize the 22-million self-employed and micro-businesses nationwide.”

“Now is the time for big ideas, yet simple changes to reform our tax code to ensure it’s fair and comprehensive for everyone. To create a level playing field for all small businesses, any tax reform package must recognize the contributions of America’s smallest businesses – the self-employed and micro-businesses. We are helping rebuild our economy from the ground up, and it would be a missed opportunity to leave them out.”

Earlier this year, the House Ways and Means Committee released its Small Business Discussion Draft. The draft fails to address many of the concerns and priorities of America’s smallest businesses.


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