Press Releases

Press Releases

Tax Time: Deducting The Business Use Of Your Automobile

Business expenses come with the territory when you are an entrepreneur. Some expenses, however, can be easy to miss come tax time because they do not show up in your business checkbook.

Mar 02, 2011

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Small Business Worker Classification: Independent Contractor Or Employee?

The self-employed contribute a mighty portion to the U.S. economy – nearly $1 trillion. There is no question that they are helping create jobs by growing and hiring new workers. The question is, by hiring additional workers, are micro-businesses (those with 10 or fewer employees) actually creating more paperwork for themselves?

Feb 10, 2011

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Self-Employed: Take An SE Tax Deduction For Health Insurance Costs

For the 2010 tax year, self-employed business owners can have one more deduction to claim – their health insurance costs.

Feb 03, 2011

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Small Biz Is Critical To Boosting The Economy

Kristie Arslan, Executive Director of the NASE, released the following statement in reaction to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Address...

Jan 26, 2011

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2010 Micro-Business Year In Review

The self-employed and micro-business owners continued to plan for business, educational and personal success in 2010. They also became crusaders for legislation for America’s smallest businesses and fair tax treatment.

Dec 16, 2010

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NASE Applauds President And Congressional Leaders For Bush-Era Tax Compromise

Kristie Arslan, Executive Director of the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), released the following statement on the compromise between President Obama and Congressional leaders on extending the Bush-era tax cuts, leading the way for economic relief for the small business community and the middle-class...

Dec 07, 2010

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NASE Calls On Congress To Extend Bush Tax Cuts For Small Business Owners

Kristie Arslan, Executive Director of the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), released the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives passed an extension of the Bush-era tax cuts for the middle-class...

Dec 02, 2010

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NASE Applauds Supportive Comments By President On Small Biz

Kristie Arslan, Executive Director of the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), released the following statement after the President delivered supportive comments on small business priorities at a press conference earlier today...

Nov 03, 2010

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Small Business Jobs & Credit Act Signed Into Law

Yesterday, President Barack Obama signed into law legislation that will allow the self-employed to deduct their health insurance costs as a business expense for payroll tax purposes. Though only applicable to 2010 tax returns, the passage of this proponent is a key “foot in the door” for future battles on health costs and the self-employed, according to the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE).

Sep 28, 2010

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Small Business Jobs & Credit Act To Be Signed Into Law By President Obama

The National Association for the Self-Employed applauds the U.S. House of Representatives for its quick action regarding approval of the Small Business Jobs and Credit Act. The legislation provides a key health tax deduction for the self-employed, though only for one year, that the health care bill failed to offer.

Sep 23, 2010

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NASE Urges House To Take Quick Action For America's Smallest Businesses

As the House returns to take up the Small Business Jobs Act this week, Kristie Arslan, Executive Director of the Legislative Offices of the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), released the following statement urging quick action...

Sep 23, 2010

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NASE: Lawmakers Finally Act to Help Main Street

The National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE) applauds the Senate in their passage today of the Small Business Jobs and Credit Act of 2010 (H.R. 5297). In an era where the self-employed and micro-businesses (fewer than 10 employees) have grown faster than any business type, yet receive the least recognition and support from the federal government, this bill is a key first step in providing tax and access to capital relief for America’s smallest businesses.

Sep 16, 2010

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Statement On The Small Business Jobs Act - September 14, 2010

As the U.S. Senate advances the Small Business Jobs Act, Kristie Arslan, Executive Director of the Legislative Offices of the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), released the following statement...

Sep 14, 2010

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“Keeping The Health Plan You Have” Not So Simple For Entrepreneurs

The new health care law, the Affordable Care Act, offers entrepreneurs the choice to keep the plan that they already have, provided that it meets certain requirements. The trouble is that most entrepreneurs are uncertain that their plan will meet these new rules and how the changes required by the health reform law will affect their monthly premium costs.

Aug 18, 2010

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Internet Whiz Receives NASE College Scholarship Worth Up To $24,000

As the NASE Future Entrepreneur, Zachary Gosling receives a college scholarship worth up to $24,000.

Aug 04, 2010

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NASE Gives $92,000 In College Scholarships

Just as states across the nation are cutting financial aid due to budget shortfalls, the National Association for the Self-Employed awarded $92,000 in scholarship money to help 20 families send their children to college.

Aug 04, 2010

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Small Biz Lending Fund Wins Key Vote In Senate

After days of contentious dialogue among Democrats and Republicans, an amendment to create a $30 billion lending fund for small businesses passed its first key vote in the Senate leading the way to further debate and a vote on the Small Business Jobs Act (H.R. 5297).

Jul 27, 2010

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America’s Smallest Businesses May Finally Get Much-Needed Relief

The Senate is considering legislation called the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 (H.R. 5297). This bill contains key provisions that may help America’s smallest businesses in this difficult economic climate, according to the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE).

Jul 13, 2010

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Micro-Businesses Want A National Energy Policy

Fifty percent of micro-business owners have made efforts to reduce their energy costs by implementing energy-saving measures in their home and business, according to a study undertaken by the NASE.

Jun 25, 2010

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NASE Gives Member $20,000 Award For Small-Business Excellence

Doug Springer, owner of Ellsworth, Maine-based small business Springers Gymnastics Center, today received a $20,000 gift from the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE) in recognition of his excellent small-business practices and contribution to local youth, health and community development.

Jun 24, 2010

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