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Current Legislation Regarding Small Business Healthcare Premium Reimbursement (Zane Benefits)

Employee retention is perhaps one of the biggest challenges many businesses face today, and often keeping your best employees is about more than just paying them well. Many people are also looking to their employers for affordable healthcare coverage, but for small business owners the cost of offering group health insurance can be crippling. Rather than risk losing your employees to competitors who offer benefits, many companies allow employees to go out and shop for individual insurance plans, then provide reimbursement to help cover the monthly premiums and other health care costs.

Dec 23, 2015

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Area Small Business Saturday Supporters Ramp Up To Get Share of Holiday Shoppers (The Cleveland Plain Dealer)

CLEVELAND, Ohio – Two years ago Carl Baldesare was sitting on a patio outside of a relatively quiet local bakery in Cleveland Heights, watching a steady flow of foot traffic at a nearby national chain bagel shop. Impulsively, he walked down the street and started asking customers why they didn't check out the local bakery and café instead.

Nov 25, 2015

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Has DC Health Link Unleashed an Entrepreneurial Spirit in District Residents? (Washington City Paper)

After seven years at the same job, Alka Pateriya had begun to think about striking out on her own as an independent consultant. But it wasn’t until late 2013—by which point she’d been working at the research company Westat for nearly nine years—that she began making moves.

Oct 23, 2015

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Freelancers Make More Money and Are Just Better People (Streetwise)

Freelancers say they are making more money than their office-job counterparts, according to a new report. The survey results may only tell part of the story, but even if freelancers who work from home are making less than their full-time counterparts, they appear to be getting something else that full-time workers don't: Freelancers are more positive and they say they're more likely to vote.

Oct 20, 2015

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Q&A with Katie Wonnenberg of the NASE (CQ Roll Call)

As vice president for government relations and public affairs at the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), Katie Wonnenberg leads the association’s federal advocacy and communication strategy in representing the 23 million self-employed and micro-businesses across the country. In today’s Q&A, she discusses key advocacy strategies she’s employed at NASE, including how best to keep members motivated when it seems like nothing is happening on Capitol Hill.

Sep 25, 2015

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