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NASE President & CEO Talks America's Smallest Businesses on MSNBC

NASE President and CEO Kristie Arslan appeared on Sunday's "Your Business" on MSNBC to discuss the 2012 election and lay-out the self-employed agenda for 2013: tax reform and implementation of the affordable care act!

Dec 17, 2012

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NASE Members Highlighted in CNBC Article

NASE Member Council members Charlie Arnold and Ben Seidel were highlighted in a CNBC article discussing the impact of the fiscal cliff on the self-employed.

Dec 10, 2012

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Stop Playing Chicken With America's Future (Huffington Post)

In a blog posting on Huffington Post, President & CEO Kristie Arslan outlines five immediate pro-active steps Congress can take to ensuring America's self-employed, America's smallest business, are successful enterprises.

Dec 10, 2012

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NASE Mentioned As Key Group Advocating for the Self-Employed

In an Op-Ed in Silicon Beat, ODesk CEO, Gary Swart, highlights the NASE as a group who is "striving for the much-needed resources needed for the self-employed—such as access to health insurance, tax guidance and community support—as well as fighting for the rights of freelancers through legislative advocacy."

Dec 06, 2012

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Tax Reform a Priority for Small Business Owners (

In an interview with, NASE Director of Government Affairs Katie Vlietstra expressed concern regarding the lack of progress by the Administration and Congress in addressing the looming fiscal cliff.

Nov 15, 2012

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