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NASE President & CEO Kristie Arslan was on C-SPAN tomorrow discussing the presidential candidates and the lack of detail from them on small business issues.

Aug 16, 2012

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Early Poll: Ryan Doesn’t Change Small Biz Vote (Yahoo! SMALLBIZ VOTE)

"With his Path for Prosperity, Congressman Ryan has gotten notoriety, but I'm not sure our members will know him off the top of their head," said Kristie Arslan, president and CEO of the National Association for the Self Employed.

Aug 15, 2012

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Advocate For Self-Employed Argues For Tax Deductions (Yahoo! Small Business Advisor)

Both presidential campaigns say they're best for small business, but Kristie Arslan says neither has backed up the claim with substantive plans. "They've never been specific on any of the priorities for the 21 million self-employed Americans," Arslan, president and CEO of the National Association for the Self Employed...

Aug 14, 2012

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Candidates Hitting Sour Notes With Lack Of Small Business Policy Details (Huffington Post)

Both presidential campaigns have been highlighting their opponent's singing abilities in negative ads lately, in an attempt to strike a dissonant chord with voters.

Aug 10, 2012

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Time To Equalize Tax Breaks For Charitable Giving? (Bloomberg Businessweek)

Under current tax rules, companies organized as S-corporations, partnerships, and sole proprietorships may get greater financial benefit from trashing unused inventory than by donating it to nonprofits, says Gene Fairbrother, small business consultant to the National Association for the Self-Employed.

Aug 06, 2012

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