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Skyrocketing Health Care Costs Hurt Businesses, Families And The Bottom Line (Huffington Post)

As the country waits to hear from the Supreme Court on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, the self-employed are weighing in now on the impact the law is currently having on their businesses. According to a national survey released yesterday by the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE)...

Jun 14, 2012

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Why It's So Hard To Write Off Your Home Office (Bloomberg Businessweek)

For the past decade, advocates for the home-based workforce have sought to give taxpayers the option to check a box for a standard $1,500 home office write-off. That would save them the tricky business of calculating what percentage of the home is dedicated to business—and therefore what share of rent, insurance, utilities, and maintenance costs can be deducted.

Apr 16, 2012

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‘Buffett rule’ Is Producing Capitol Gains (Washington Times)

“We’re much more interested in tax laws that impact the 22 million self-employed Americans who aren’t household names but who create a whole lot more jobs than Mr. Buffett,” said Kristie Arslan, president of the National Association for the Self-Employed.

Apr 15, 2012

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Mr. President, Focus On The 'Baffle Rule,' Not The 'Buffett Rule' (Huffington Post)

Tax fairness is a top priority for the National Association for the Self-Employed, but we're much more interested in tax laws that impact the 22 million self-employed Americans who aren't household names but who create a whole lot more jobs than Mr. Buffett.

Apr 11, 2012

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Small Business Groups Urge President To Sign JOBS Act (The Hill)

Partisanship in Washington has risen to an all-time high and “politics as usual” has come to mean complete gridlock, where the most basic legislation falls flat because of political gamesmanship. That’s why the bipartisan jobs bill headed to the president’s desk for approval is such a breath of fresh air.

Apr 03, 2012

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