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Kill It Or Keep It? Small Business Groups At Odds On Affordable Care Act

In creating the [Affordable Care Act], however, Arslan said Congress leaned toward creating access to better health insurance for all, but dropped the ball on making it affordable.

Apr 03, 2012

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Many Find It Hard To Plan Ahead As Tax Uncertainty Looms (USA TODAY)

[NASE Member] Tiffany Washington, owner of Washington Accounting Services in Waldorf, Md., says the standoff about extending the payroll tax cut caused her to put off hiring another employee.

Mar 23, 2012

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Would the JOBS Act Help Small Business or Unleash Fraud? (Forbes)

The idea has wide bipartisan support in the House as well as President Obama’s backing. And small business advocates including SCORE CEO Ken Yancey and NASE CEO Kristie Arslan tell me they support crowdfunding legislation.

Mar 15, 2012

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Main Street or Wall Street? Why Not Both? (Huffington Post)

It has become a time-honored tradition for politicians to claim they're looking out for "Main Street, not Wall Street." Capitol Hill is littered with proposals that are supposed to help small businesses compete in the marketplace and the Obama Administration has made this kind of messaging a key plank in their platform.

Mar 13, 2012

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The Fight Over Crowdfunding's Potential (BloombergBusinessweek)

Kristie Arslan, president and chief executive of the National Association for the Self-Employed, says crowdfunding could be a godsend for the 22 million Americans who are self-employed and who often struggle to raise capital. “The smallest businesses have the most limited choices when it comes to accessing financing,” she says. While crowdfunding would not be the right option for every self-employed individual, it could help many who can’t get traditional bank loans, she notes.

Mar 12, 2012

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