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Trouble Getting A Loan? Congress Considers Crowdfunding (Yahoo! Small Business Advisor)

Arslan points out that 78 percent of the small business population is comprised of self-employed people. “They don’t need large sums to start or grow, but traditional lending institutions don’t look at them as moneymakers.” Crowdfunding, she says, is a way individuals with business ideas can “fund their dream in an easy way.”

Mar 11, 2012

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Taxes: Self-Employed Can Deduct Health Insurance (Bloomberg Businessweek)

The self-employed health insurance deduction is one of the most powerful deductions you can take—and one of the single most-powerful ways to address the affordability of health insurance, says the NASE's Keith Hall.

Feb 08, 2012

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Preparing Your 2011 Tax Return (WLW-AM)

NASE National Tax Advisor Keith Hall talks about tips for getting a jump on your 2011 tax return, such as taking the mileage deduction.

Jan 26, 2012

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The State Of The Union: Small Firms Weigh In (Wall Street Journal)

Kristie Arslan, president and chief executive of NASE, said that the overall message of fairness resonated with the self-employed population because "they are dealing with their own legal work and regulatory work, as well as being CEO."

Jan 26, 2012

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The Tax Deduction Mitt Romney Did Not Take (New York Times)

Oddly, there was one strategy that Mr. Romney did not use — a full deduction for health insurance premiums that is available to most self-employed people. Read on as the NASE explains why.

Jan 25, 2012

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