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Small Businesses Feel Left Out Of The Jobs And Tax Debate (McClatchy)

NASE: A lot of policy out there does not help mainstream businesses, only large corporations

Oct 05, 2011

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Bad Tax Policy One Reason For Decline In Entrepreneurship (Crain's NY)

“One minute you have these benefits, the next you don't,” said Kristie Arslan, CEO of the National Association for the Self-Employed. “Creating long-term tax and economic policy instead of doing these short-term fixes is incredibly important.”

Sep 09, 2011

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Removing Obstacles For U.S. Entrepreneurs (Bloomberg)

Kristie Arslan, president and chief executive officer of the National Association for the Self-Employed, talks about the impact of President Barack Obama's $447 billion jobs proposal on self- employed Americans and state programs that offer money and training to help unemployed workers to open their own businesses.

Sep 08, 2011

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NASE: Small Business Faces Too Much Uncertainty (Fox Business)

Kristie Arslan, NASE President and CEO, appears on The Willis Report.

Sep 08, 2011

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Arslan: An Open Letter to the President and Congress (Roll Call)

Official Washington returns to work this week, and any lawmakers who were hoping the economy would shape up in their absence are sorely out of luck.

Sep 08, 2011

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