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Fewer People Choose To Be Self-Employed (USA TODAY)

In August, 14.5 million people were self-employed, down 2.1 million from the most recent peak in December 2006, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data.

Sep 08, 2011

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U.S. Recovery Offers Few Opportunities (Bloomberg Businessweek)

More than 1 million self-employed Americans are no longer in business almost four years after the last recession began, as the economy constrains entrepreneurial activity and small-business job creation.

Sep 02, 2011

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An Open Letter to the Budget Super Committee (Huffington Post)

The nation's smallest businesses would like to send our encouragement as you roll up your sleeves to address our nation's debt challenges, including finding $1.5 trillion to cut from the federal budget.

Aug 15, 2011

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Five Indicators To Watch In The Region's Economy (Washington Post)

Kristie Arslan weighs in on what small-business owners might expect in this economic climate.

Aug 15, 2011

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NASE On Small Biz And The Credit Downgrade (Fox Business)

Small business owners just haven't seen the rebound that was promised, says NASE President and CEO Kristie Arslan.

Aug 15, 2011

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