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NASE Reacts To The Credit Downgrade (

Small-owners have not seen the turnaround in the economy that they had hoped.

Aug 12, 2011

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What The Downgrade Means For Small-Business Lending (Wall Street Journal)

Earlier this week, the Federal Reserve announced plans to keep interest rates near zero for at least the next two years. That’s good news for banks – but less assuring for small-business owners.

Aug 12, 2011

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NASE on Your Business (MSNBC)

NASE President Kristie Arslan appears on MSNBC's Your Business to discuss small business optimism in 2011.

Jul 11, 2011

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Debunking One Size Fits All (Huffington Post)

America's lawmakers are working frantically to craft a solution to the ballooning federal deficit and the rapidly approaching August 2 debt ceiling deadline.

Jul 06, 2011

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7 Ways to Help Entrepreneurs Help the Economy (The Atlantic)

The most important challenge for entrepreneurs isn't starting a company, but growing it from three employees to 30 ... to 300, to 3,000.

Jun 15, 2011

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