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How To Find A Qualified Tax Preparer (Wall Street Journal)

According to Keith Hall, national tax adviser for the National Association for the Self-Employed, a nonprofit business group in Washington, D.C., you should hire someone experienced in preparing tax returns for start-ups. Further, the more recent the experience he or she has doing this, the better.

Feb 15, 2011

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Why It's Worth Paying For A Tax Pro (Wall Street Journal)

This tax season, entrepreneurs operating on a tight budget may be tempted to forgo professional help in preparing their companies' returns. But experts say the investment is typically worthwhile -- at least for those just starting out -- to maximize deductions and avoid penalties.

Feb 13, 2011

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Small-Business Groups Parse Tax Deal (Wall Street Journal)

President Obama's newly proposed tax package is being praised, though with cautious optimism, by several of the nation's most prominent small-business advocacy groups.

Dec 08, 2010

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The Small Business Case for Extending Tax Cuts (Huffington Post)

Congress has important work to finish before the 111th Congress comes to a close. Much of its agenda includes priorities that are critical to the nation's smallest businesses.

Dec 08, 2010

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NASE on The Dylan Ratigan Show (MSNBC)

Kristie Arlsan, executive director at the NASE, discusses small business’ struggle to survive.

Oct 10, 2010

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