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The Myth About Small Businesses (CQ Politics)

Kristie Arslan, the executive director of the National Association for the Self-Employed, welcomed several provisions in the new law, especially a temporary deduction from payroll taxes of health insurance expenses for the self-employed. That's a provision her group had been seeking for nearly a decade.

Oct 02, 2010

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A New Tax Break For The Self-Employed (NY Times)

The National Association for the Self-Employed said it expected that the new provision would save self-employed business owners anywhere from $456 to $968, on average. It based those numbers on the average premiums paid by single individuals and families.

Sep 29, 2010

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Arslan: Congress Can Rev Up Engine Of Economy (Roll Call)

Conventional wisdom used to hold that what’s good for General Motors is good for the country. While an American automaker may no longer be the face of our economy, our economic and employment policy often blindly assumes that large employers are the primary drivers of growth.

Sep 20, 2010

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Commentary: Legislation Provides Needed Tax Breaks, Funding For Small Business (Capital Business)

Last week, President Obama proposed to spur job growth in small businesses through an extension of a tax credit used when they spend money on research and innovation in the United States. While this is a step in the right direction, it will do little to help our constituents -- the self-employed.

Sep 13, 2010

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Own a Small Business? Say Hello to Your New Best Friend: IRS Form 1099 (Huffington Post)

Found deep within the new health reform law is a little known provision that will increase tax regulation on all of America's businesses beginning in 2012. Who will be hardest hit? You got it...small business.

Jul 19, 2010

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