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Senate Wakes Up and Pays Attention to Small Business (Huffington Post)

On the eve of expiration for a number of key small business tax deductions and with the Small Business Administration running out of funding for small business loans, the U.S. Senate finally wakes up and begins to pay attention to small business.

Jul 13, 2010

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America's Self-Employed: Not So "Bunny" (Huffington Post)

The Administration talks a good game about supporting small businesses while quietly issuing backdoor rules and regulations that pull the rug out from under our entrepreneurs.

Jun 14, 2010

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MSNBC's report on Small Business Week featuring Kristie Arslan from the NASE discussing the 1099 issue. Passed under the health care law is a provision that would require the self-employed to issue additional 1099 forms to the IRS. This applies to every tansaction over $600 to a service provider or vendor.

Jun 07, 2010

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New Tax Changes For Self-Employed (

As the April 15 income tax filing deadline approaches, the top tax expert at the National Association for the Self-Employed offers his best advice for business people who work for themselves.

Mar 18, 2010

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Bill Would Have Different Effects On Different People (USA TODAY)

House and Senate to begin negotiations next month. People who buy health coverage on their own — not through an employer — would face some of the biggest changes under the health care bills.

Dec 28, 2009

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