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Escape From Cubicle Hell ( )

From retirement-averse baby boomers to Gen Y-ers disillusioned with the corporate world, a growing number of people are starting businesses out of their homes in a wide range of industries.

Jan 16, 2009

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Microbusinesses Feel Recession Pinch (MicroEnterprise Journal)

Right now, America's microbusinesses are feeling as pessimistic about the economy as everybody else, according to the results of a survey released by the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE) last week.

Jan 12, 2009

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Study: Millions of Small Business Owners Hold Toxic Mortgages (Washington Post)

"The current housing crisis is hurting entrepreneurs because they are unable to obtain important financing, such as home equity loans in order to start, operate and grow their businesses," said Kristie Darien, executive director of the NASE legislative office. "Addressing the housing crisis and credit crunch for the small business community must be the first steps taken to minimize our nation's economic decline."

Nov 26, 2008

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Smaller Firms In The Spotlight This Election (Chicago Tribune)

The NASE's Kristie Darien speaks out on how small businesses would be affected by each candidate's plans.

Nov 03, 2008

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S.F. Diner's Pickle - Opening In Hungry Times (San Francisco Chronicle)

The NASE's Gene Fairbrother offers advice for businesses struggling in the economic downturn: - Get together with other retailers to create a joint marketing program. - Offer specials that will draw people in. - And more!

Oct 05, 2008

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