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Business Groups Urge Quick Action On Bailout (

The National Association for the Self-Employed, however, is concerned about the [bailout] plan’s costs and its impact on taxpayers. “Big business, just like small business, should be help accountable for the actions that have led to this current financial crisis,” said Kristie Darien, executive director of NASE’s legislative offices. “Our policymakers need to be responsible to our nation’s taxpayers in their actions to shore up our economy and work to keep this kind of disaster from occurring again.”

Sep 25, 2008

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Small Businesses Seek Clarity From Presidential Candidates (New York Times)

The NASE's Kristie Darien comments on the support the self-employed have given to health care reform.

Sep 10, 2008

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Health Care Reform Key Issue as Entrepreneurs Size Up Presidential Candidates (MarketWatch)

While a majority of the nearly 4,000 micro-business owners who participated in the survey, conducted by the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), have suggestions for improving the system, they are deeply divided over exactly what kind of reform is needed.

Sep 08, 2008

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Small Business Looks at Where Candidates Fall on Its Issues (Wall Street Journal)

With the presidential campaign in full swing, the candidates will no doubt set their sights on the huge group of voters who own their own businesses. But winning their support will be a daunting task for Barack Obama and John McCain. NASE Executive Director, Kristie Darien, weighs in.

Sep 02, 2008

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For the Self-Employed, a Year-Round System Will Smooth Tax Time (The New York Times)

In tough economic times, as workers lose full-time jobs and take longer to find new jobs, more and more people are finding themselves self-employed.

Apr 03, 2008

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