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Tax Tips for Procrastinators (BusinessWeek)

April is right around the corner, which means it's tax time for individuals and unincorporated small businesses. If you're one of the many entrepreneurs who has put off thinking about taxes until the last minute, you're certainly not alone. Smart Answers columnist Karen E. Klein recently asked several tax experts to discuss common issues and offer advice for tax-return procrastinators.

Mar 28, 2008

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How '07 Changes Affect Small Business (The Washington Post)

Small-business owners take note: Changes in the tax code this year could add a few dollars to your coffers. But you could be in for colossal headaches if you've been sloppy in your record keeping.

Mar 09, 2008

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Creative Ways to Cut Costs (ABC News)

The millions of Americans who are self-employed or unemployed can find the biggest savings. About 24 million Americans are part of families in that category, and they need to look for group health insurance. These are plans that insure large numbers of individuals, at a discount, usually through a professional or trade association such as the National Association for the Self-Employed.

Jan 13, 2008

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Finding health care for your employees (FORTUNE Small Business)

Dear FSB: What is a good, affordable way to provide my employees with health insurance coverage? (My business is an insurance company, but we sell auto insurance.) I have a total of three employees. -Gaston Roberti, Roberti's Insurance Agency, Santa Ana, Calif. Dear Gaston: "Finding a plan for your small business is not as much of a challenge as it was 10 years ago, though finding an 'affordable' option can take some legwork," says Gene Fairbrother, lead small-business consultant for the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), a support and lobbying group for self-employed workers and very small businesses. Fairbrother is also president of Dallas, Texas-based MBA Consulting, which specializes in small-business issues.

Jan 03, 2008

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Small firms creatively fight health costs (Business Courier)

When Keith Vande Stadt saw the monthly HMO premiums for his one-man business jump from $650 to more than $900 last year, he started shopping around.

Oct 18, 2002

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