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This page is all about the people that make the National Association for the Self-Employed as well as the many businesses it helps each day as great as it is.

To each and every contributor, we say Thank You!

Adriana Richlardson

Adriana Richardson

Owner & CEO - The Lazy Millennial
Adriana is the Owner and CEO of the Management and Consulting Company, The Lazy Millennial. From Virtual Assistant, to “failed” Virtual Assistant agency owner to now Online Operations manager, Adriana is no stranger helping small businesses set up their internal processes and systems for sustainable growth and what can happen to businesses when they fail to do so.

Adriana came up with “The Lazy Millennial” because she noticed no matter how much or who small businesses hired, there always seemed to be a disconnect leading to frustration, micromanagement, and other negative associations. She wanted to show Service Providers that they can make better decisions when it came to hiring and running their business all through strong operational foundations which she does today. “It’s time to reject hustle culture by accepting our role as CEO and delegate”.

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