How to Find the Perfect Name for Your Business

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How to Find the Perfect Name for Your Business

Aug 13, 2021

Having a high-performing product is fantastic, but the perceived value of a brand is just as significant as the actual value it provides.

It's reasonable to say that any company that customers value with high esteem possesses the Midas touch, a quality that can propel a brand to incredible heights of success.

Although your brand’s actual value is strongly tied to your brand, its name, and your company's identity, your perceived value is mostly tied to the services you provide. And yes, customers attach a perceived value to your brand in less than a tenth of a second after engaging with your brand name.

Finding the appropriate name is an excellent place to start if you want your brand to succeed in the market.

What Are the Advantages of Choosing the Right Name?
By leveraging their influential brand names, leading brands like Apple, Virgin, Rolex, and Ferrari were able to build compelling companies that hold a prime spot in the minds of their customers.

So, make sure you have an excellent name because it can:

  • Regularly attract new customers 

  • Transform one-time customers into your brand’s loyalists

  • Attract and retain talented and dedicated employees

  • Create a sense of identity and culture for your business

  • Set your brand apart from competitors  

  • Generate buzz, and help your company get noticed in its industry

  • Increase the company's product sales

The only thing that stands between your startup and reaping these tremendous benefits is finding a great brand name, and we can point you in the right direction to getting the best brand name for your business. All you have to do is follow us.

Here’s are the Steps to Finding the Perfect Name for Your Business

men and women having a meeting
Courtesy: Unsplash

Choosing the right name for your business may not be the most difficult or frightening task you'll face as an entrepreneur, but that doesn't mean it's not important.

You can get a great name anywhere, from your daily conversations to your dreams at night, but creating a great brand name needs skill.

So buckle up as we take a look at how to come up with the perfect name for your company.

Combine Your Enthusiasm with Knowledge
Every great entrepreneur is driven by a strong desire to see their business succeed. Call it a dream, a passion, or a desire to win; whatever you want to call it, it's what keeps them going through the tough times.

But don't be the dreamer who always takes the wrong path; instead, combine your enthusiasm with a thorough understanding of your industry; otherwise, your startup will die a natural death.

Learn about your company's core principles and how to bring them to life; concentrate on what works, what doesn't, and what may work. This way, you'll be able to create a brand that knows exactly what to do.

Set customer pleasure at the center of everything you do by always asking, "How can we do this better?"

Choose a Great Tone for Your Brand
You need a tone that complements your business because it’s not always about what's said but how it's said.

Finding the proper tone will make it easier to come up with a brilliant name that fits your business, but disregarding your tone will make your name lose its potency and detach it from your target audience.

The tone of your brand should reflect the wants and expectations of your customers. This will help you rapidly choose whether your name should have a fun tone like Google, a traditional tone like Citibank, a playful tone like Skittles, a casual tone like Chubbies, or a friendly tone like PayPal.

Recognize Your Brand’s Elements
After you've figured out your brand's tone, it's time to look for your brand's elements. Begin with identifying the main ideas that drive your brand, your brand's story, the value it offers customers, the benefits your customers would receive, and finally, your value proposition.

Take the time to understand your brand's elements so that your employees can understand your company's personality, mission, vision, and their position in it.

It’s Time to Brainstorm

man in blue long sleeve shirt holding smartphone
Courtesy: Unsplash

Put your creative energies to work and come up with words that fit your brand's needs. Look through dictionaries and thesauruses for words that are short, creative, striking, and compelling enough to reflect your brand.

Although actively looking for a brand name can be difficult, it doesn't have to be, especially if you rely on the elements that help you stay creative and motivated.

If you’re working with a team, make sure you get the best people and talk to them about your concepts, vision, and branding elements. Allow them to contribute freely and don't limit their creativity.

We recognize that most entrepreneurs never seem to have enough time to brainstorm for their brand’s name, and if that sounds like you, then consider using a powerful business name generator.

Protect Your Brand
Keep a close eye on your brand name to make sure it's free of anything that could undermine your efforts. Make sure you test your name with an audience to make sure they like it, then double-check with the USPTO to ensure it hasn't already been taken.

This way, you'll be able to safeguard your business from any legal issues that may come as a result of copyright infringement.

Meet The Author:

Grant Polachek

Grant Polachek

Grant Polachek is the Head of Branding at Inc 500 company, the worlds #1 naming platform, with 30,000+ customers from early-stage startups across the globe to the largest corporations including Nestle, Philips, Hilton, Pepsi, and AutoNation.


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