Member Testimonials

Member Testimonials

At the NASE, we're fortunate enough to be able to give back to those in the small-business community each and every day. Here's a short list of what our members say about what we do.

I love that NASE exists as an established community for the self-employed, which is usually something we go at solo – but now we don’t have to. Our stories of strength, struggles, and success can now inspire each other!
- AJ Austin

NASE Kimberly Whiter
I am so glad I found NASE! I have already learned so much simply from exploring the benefits. All self-employed persons should be a member!
- Kimberly Whiter

NASE Roxana Jordheim

I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the $4,000 growth grant I was awarded for my new business, Li’l Talkers Speech. It is helping me purchase much needed materials to work with young children with significant communication delays. The families are so happy to be receiving services after being on the waiting list! Thank you so very much.  

- Roxana Jordheim

NASE Steve Dawn Moosey
It’s lonely being an entrepreneur and having others to share the journey with makes it easier. While I may know a lot about certain aspects of our business, it’s impossible to know everything. Having the resources of NASE to help me learn and grow our business has been essential and the annual cost is a pittance compared to the knowledge I’ve gained.
- Steve & Dawn Woodburn

NASE Sheree Mitchell
This is a great organization with many resources to help small business owners. The yearly membership is affordable and the benefits are well-thought-out and very useful.
- Sheree Mitchell

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The NASE is America's leading non-profit association providing educational resources, benefits, and a seat at the table in Washington, D.C.

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