Member Testimonials

Member Testimonials

At the NASE, we're fortunate enough to be able to give back to those in the small-business community each and every day. Here's a short list of what our members say about what we do.

Aaron Cail
Receiving the NASE Scholarship has allowed me to pursue my dreams and shoot for my goals while attending college. Without the help provided by this scholarship I would have to be working more to help pay for the cost of school. This scholarship allows me to focus on my schooling and put in my best effort.
- Aaron Cail

Jennifer Cail
I found NASE because my mom is self-employed and has been for over twenty years. This association has given me the opportunity to apply for their scholarship and have graciously awarded me with $6,000 over the last 3 years to help me reach my collegiate goals. I am very thankful for their help and support.
- Jennifer Cail

Jordan Hayes
Growing up in a single income, self-employed family has taught me to appreciate hard work and dedication. When I was younger, I saw my father working late and going where ever he needed in order to get his business off the ground all while being there for his family. He has always inspired me and I believe watching him is how I got the drive to work hard and the determination I have today. I am very grateful for the scholarship from the NASE which allows me to not have to work to help pay for college. Now, I am able focus on my education at Florida State University where I am planning on graduating with a Bachelor’s of Science in nursing.
- Jordan Hayes

Amy Headshot
As a new small business owner, I was so excited to find the network of resources made available to me through NASE. It's really helped me understand that I'm not in this alone, and that I have support I can tap into as I continue to grow my business. I am absolutely thrilled to have been chosen as a Growth Grant recipient, and I'll be able to take a huge step forward as a result. Thank you NASE for the tremendous honor of winning my first small business grant. I will make you proud!
- Amy Bourgeois

Rev. Laura Cannon
I joined NASE in 2014 after feeling really alone in the world of entrepreneurship. I thought that NASE would be a great way to meet others who intimately understood the unique challenges and joys of self-employment—and the benefits are great.
- Rev. Laura C. Cannon

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The NASE is America's leading non-profit association providing educational resources, benefits, and a seat at the table in Washington, D.C.

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