$4,000 Business Grant

Growth Grants

Member Benefit Explanation

Need $4,000 To Help Your Business Grow?

Apply for a business development grant from the NASE worth up to $4,000!

If you're a member, login as a NASE member then come back to this page for additional instructions below to apply for an NASE Growth Grant Today!

You could receive up to $4,000 for your small business through the NASE Growth Grants program.

Since 2006, the NASE has awarded nearly $1,000,000 to members just like you through the Growth Grants program by providing small business grants.

Grants can be used for marketing, advertising, hiring employees, expanding facilities and other specific business needs.

You could be the next grant recipient!


Growth Grants are awarded at the sole discretion of the NASE. Unfortunately, not everyone who applies will receive a grant. The NASE has the sole discretion to make no grant or present a higher or lower amount than requested. The NASE in its sole discretion may award less than the totals indicated to be potentially available. The NASE will not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sex, age or disability. Decisions of the selection committee are final and are not subject to appeal. No application feedback will be given.

Members who are employees of the NASE, sales associates, field service representatives, or contracted by the NASE are not eligible for this program.

When is the application deadline?

Grant applications are reviewed quarterly, based on the following schedule:

  • Completed applications received in January, February and March will be reviewed in April.
  • Completed applications received in April, May and June will be reviewed in July.
  • Completed applications received in July, August and September will be reviewed in October.
  • Completed applications received in October, November and December will be reviewed in January of the following year.


What are the eligibility requirements?

To be eligible, you must be a member in good standing.

The following members may apply immediately:

  • Annual Members
  • Veteran Members
  • Silver Members (Paying Annually)
  • Gold Members

The following members may apply after 90 days of membership:

  • Monthly Members
  • Silver Members (Paying Monthly)

If you have questions regarding your membership type or you do not see your member type listed, please contact us.


What are the selection criteria?

Criteria used in evaluating applications and awarding grants include:

  • Review of identifiable business need
  • Detailed use of the proceeds of the grant
  • The potential of the grant to satisfy the identified business need
  • The potential impact of the grant on overall business growth and success


How long should a business plan be?

It should be as long or as short as it needs to be.

There is no hard and fast rule. Some past grant winners have had very short business plans with their applications while other winners have had very long business plans.

Simply provide the best business plan that will demonstrate to the review committee what your business does and how you operate.


How can I increase my chances of getting a grant?

Generally speaking, the more the review team understands about your business, the better. In an effort to remain impartial and fair, NASE does not provide specific tips or individual feedback.


What are my responsibilities if I am chosen as a recipient?

The following conditions apply:

  • The use of funds must be consistent with written statement of grant use.
  • Recipients must maintain records showing use of the money.
  • The funds may not be used to pay debt or rent/mortgage payments.
  • Recipients agree that NASE has the right to publicize names, business name, amount awarded and photographs of the recipients.
  • The NASE requests that the recipient place the NASE Member Badge on the recipient's website for one year after the growth grant check is received.


How and when are checks issued?

Grants will be funded within 30 days after all signed usage and required regulatory documents are received by the NASE.


Are grant funds received taxable?

As a general rule, business grants awarded for business purposes ARE subject to both federal and state income tax.  There are exceptions based on your specific facts and circumstances and we therefore recommend that you consult with your personal tax professional (or the NASE Tax Experts) for more guidance on your specific situation.


What if I have a new businesses and do not have a tax return or profit & loss statement?

In situations like this, we accept Expected Profit & Loss Statements or projections of income and expenses.


What should the photo be?

The photo that is included with your application can be anything, a head shot, an action shot, a store front, a group photo with staff, products/widgets etc.


What documents are required?

The documents that are required are as follows:

  • A statement of Grant Use
  • A Business Plan
  • A recent Tax Return or Profit/Loss statement
  • Photo of member or business
  • Other supporting documents you have


What if I am a felon and/or have a criminal past?

Felons and people with a criminal history are not excluded, members with a criminal past are allowed and encouraged to apply.


What can the grant be used for?

The grant can be used for many different things, some examples:

  • Marketing
  • Hiring part time help
  • Computer equipment/software
  • Office Repairs
  • Creating a website
  • Office equipment/furniture
  • Tradeshow/conference attendance
  • Advanced training 

The only exception is they cannot pay off already existing debt.

FYIs (For Your Information)

  • In an effort to remain impartial and neutral, we do not give advice on specific applications.
  • Applications are accepted 365 days a year.
  • Applicants may save their progress. The application doesn’t have to be done in one sitting.
  • Decisions of the committees are final and are not subject to appeal. No application feedback will be given.
  • If you still have questions, reach out to: grant_scholarships (at) nase (dot) org


How do I apply?

To apply, you must be a member and meet the requirements as outlined elsewhere on this page.  Once a member, login and you will see detailed instructions in the "Get Started" section below.


To take advantage of this benefit and others that the NASE has to offer you must be a member.

Login Now
Once logged in as a member, you will see additional instructions for this benefit on this page.

Not a Member?

At the NASE, we realize that the needs of all businesses are not the same. This is why we have created multiple memberships to select from that fit your business, home, medical needs and more.

We would like to invite you to view our Benefits at a Glance to help you make an informed decision and maximize your investment.

Have Questions or Need Help?

We have a team of professionals ready to do whatever they can to help you.
Click here to call us or send us an email if you prefer.


The benefits explained herein are offered at the sole discretion of the association and may vary by availability, vendor and state of residence of the member. Vendors reserve the right to withdraw or change their offers without notice. The association makes no affirmation of fact or promise relating to the goods and services, and specifically disclaims any warranty, expressed or implied, as to the merchantability of the goods and services reflected. To be entitled to the association benefits, you must be a member in good standing and dues must be paid current.


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The NASE is America's leading non-profit association providing educational resources, benefits, and a seat at the table in Washington, D.C.

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Courtesy of NASE.org