
Self Made Archive

Business Owner's Guide to Legally Bulletproof Your Business

Side Hustle Running a bulletproof business can be tough but it's not impossible. Here's a quick guide to help you make your business more legally bulletproof.

7 Keys to a Successful Business Plan

Business Plan In any business, a strong business plan is rather important. Here are seven tips to help you make it better.

The Importance of Overcoming Language Barriers in Marketing and PR

International Language is a crucial tool in marketing and public relations, but it can also hinder campaigns. Language barriers, linguistic, cultural, or technical, can hinder reaching a diverse audience. Understanding and overcoming these barriers is essential for campaign success. This article explores the importance of overcoming language barriers in marketing and PR, their types and impacts, and strategies for mitigating them.

Navigating Employee Departures: A Guide for Entrepreneurs

Person Leaving Office Watching an employee leave is tough for many reasons. As a business owner, there is a log to navigate to ensure a smooth exit and transition for your team. In this article, we talk a bit about those challenges and how best to navigate.

Hiring for Reliability: How to Spot Job Candidates with Good Attendance

Team Work Have you found “the one” for you? Or is it always, “the one that got away?” Read on to learn how to spot the perfect candidates.

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