
Self Made Archive

Navigating Supply Chain Disaster as a Small Business

Supply Chain Supply chain disasters can seem like the end of the world for small businesses. But with a little preparation and planning, you can weather any storm. Here are a few tips to help keep your business afloat.

How to Put Employee Mental Health First

Walking Coworkers Mental health is often one of the first things to go when we're feeling overwhelmed with work. But what if we put employee mental health first? In this blog post, we'll explore some ways to do just that. We'll look at how to create a workplace culture that supports mental well-being, and how to build resources into your business plan that can help employees manage their stress. Plus, we'll give you some tips for talking openly about mental health in your office. So read on – your team's mental health depends on it!

What Type of Auto Insurance Do You Need If You’re Self-Employed?

Auto Insurance If you’re self-employed, you need to make sure that you have the right type of auto insurance. While most people think of liability coverage when they think of auto insurance, there are other types of coverage that can be important for self-employed drivers. Let’s take a look at some of the different types of auto insurance that are available and what might be the best fit for you if you’re self-employed.

Tips on How to Improve Your Business Communications Skills

Communication Are you trying to start your own business, but feel like your communications skills are holding you back? You're not alone. Many people find it difficult to communicate effectively when their livelihood depends on it. But don't worry - with a little practice, you can improve your business communications skills and start making progress towards your goals. In this blog post, we'll outline some tips that can help you get started. Thanks for reading!

Escaping Debt: A Short Overview for Businesses

Debt Management Debt is a scary word for many people. Add in the fact that you are self-employed, and it can be downright terrifying! While there is no one easy solution to getting out of debt, this overview will give you a few ideas on where to start. So take a deep breath, and read on!

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