
Self Made Archive

Using a Business Mentor

Plan Even though most individuals can turn to family, friends, or coworkers for moral support when challenging circumstances, only a tiny percentage of people have access to trusted advisors.

Lesson from Three Business Moguls

Suit In this post, we've compiled some inspiring stories of successful business moguls who started as small business owners, built their businesses to an international level, and what lessons we can learn from them.

What Are the Benefits Of Social Media For A Business?

Social Media If you are a business owner, one thing is certain; if you want your business to survive and thrive, you have to be willing to take advantage of social media. The social media wave is not going anywhere anytime soon, so you better embrace it. More and more people are joining social media. This presents a huge opportunity for new businesses and existing customers to reach out to you as the owner.

What is a Poison Pill? How Do They Work and What Are the Benefits?

Stock Trading In business, there are a variety of tools and strategies that can be used to protect a company from hostile takeover. One such tool is the poison pill. This is a strategy that can be employed by a company to make it less attractive to potential buyers. In this blog post, we will discuss what a poison pill is, how it works, and some of the benefits of using this strategy!

Skills of a Successful Entrepreneur

Skills Starting your own business can be extremely challenging, but it also comes with extraordinary opportunities. With that in mind, every entrepreneur needs to have various skills to achieve success. While some are related to the entrepreneur’s industry, there are also some general skills that every entrepreneur should have.

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