
Self Made Archive

NASE Partner’s with Dell for Technology Survey

Last month we partnered with Dell to survey our members about their technology usage and needs. From the impacts of COVID-19 to work-from-home to monitors and docking stations, this survey was insightful and very helpful. Thank you to everyone who participated. If you are interested in the results from this survey, follow this link to learn more.

5 Ideas to Make Your Small Business More Suited for 2021

The world has changed a lot since 2020, and it has not been easy for self-employed businesses and small businesses. However, those that have adapted to the new world faster and better than their competitors have managed to not just survive, but also thrive. Being able to handle the changes is crucial if a business is to go the distance.

How to Transition from the Corporate World to Self-Employment

Tens of millions of Americans have become freelancers in recent years. While this includes those who are simply looking for a side gig, many are steering into the self-employed lifestyle as a full-time career pivot. In fact, in 2019 it was reported that nearly a third of freelancers were working full time.

How to Negotiate Your Wages as a Freelance Worker

Wages are one of the touchiest subjects of the entire freelance lifestyle. When you’re a third-party worker looking into an organizational system from the outside, the question of compensation can be confusing, intimidating, and overwhelming.

Practical Tips for Improving Customer Trust in Your Small Business

Do you have a small business in which you’re struggling to build customer trust? If so, you’re not alone, for many entrepreneurs this can prove to be a common challenge. Large companies, corporations, and chains can often have a much easier time when it comes to building trust with customers, making it less of an uphill climb. But just because it’s a common challenge, it doesn’t mean there aren’t workable and effective solutions you can apply.

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