
Self Made Archive

Top Tips To Follow When Starting A New Business

Each and every day, all over the globe, people from all walks of life decide to put their ideas into action and set up their very own businesses. Statistics show that more than half a million new businesses began every single month in 2018 alone, and that trend shows few signs of slowing down.

The eCommerce Black Friday Guide for Small Business

Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) are fast approaching as well as the rest of the holiday season shopping rush. If you are selling goods or services online as a small business owner then you must give yourself enough time to prepare. Especially this year, where many brick and mortar stores have limited hours or have closed completely as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although many things have changed during these unprecedented times, one thing you can count on is that people will continue to be on the hunt for the best deals. While big businesses always make bank during this weekend, small businesses can do incredibly well too. Here are some tips to start preparing your business now and stay ahead of the curve.

New Dell Technologies Partnership and Growth Grants

NASE is thrilled to share news about our new partnership with Dell Technologies, which makes learning and working easier and more interactive with their high-tech laptops, desktops, servers, mobile workstations, and electronics. Dell’s mission statement involves driving human progress by allowing better access to technology worldwide.

Tech Tools for Small Business Owners to Help Maintain Efficiencies During Critical Times

Entrepreneurs risk it all to launch and maintain a successful business. There are numerous hurdles to overcome along the way. Many small business owners are now facing new challenges given the current state of the economy and new regulations due to the pandemic. However, small business owners are quite resilient and are managing to thrive even during tough times. To help ease the transition into new territory there are many resources and tools that can be implemented. Technology, especially, can help to keep businesses on track.

How You Can Find New Clients as a Freelancer

The gig economy has been gaining ground for years. As of 2017, there were 55 million gig workers in the U.S. alone. Thanks to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s likely we’ll see an even greater rise in gig workers and freelancers throughout the country.

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