
Self Made Archive

Resources for Disabled Business Owners & Entrepreneurs

One of the greatest perks of living in America is the ability to hone a creative idea into a business started from scratch. Anyone with the right mindset and a smart product can make the dream happen. People with disabilities may feel like they have a steeper hill to climb, but that is not necessarily the case.

Ways Solar Energy May Save You Money During Quarantine

While millions of people around the world are still in quarantine to slow the spread of COVID-19, that does not mean it is easy staying home all the time. People are more concerned about saving money than ever before as the world continues in these uncertain and unprecedented times. During quarantine, it can be more challenging to save money as you don’t have access to your usual spread of resources, but that doesn’t mean there is nothing you can do. Solar energy can help you save money and energy during quarantine and beyond while being environmentally friendly.

Communicating with Clients Effectively as a Freelancer

Modern freelancing has existed for decades now and has only improved as technology has evolved. As business applications have increasingly taken advantage of the power of the internet, it’s become possible to forge an independent, unique career via as a contractor, whether you’re writing, walking dogs, or anything in between.

Paying for Your Child’s University Fees When You Are Self-Employed

It’s almost every parent’s dream to send their child to university, but with the high cost of tuition fees, many parents are shying away from this dream. In addition to the tuition, there are living expenses to worry about too. For the self-employed parent, the struggle to pay these fees may be due to fluctuating incomes. However, with the right strategies, it is possible to send your child to university regardless of the size and nature of your business. Consider the following tips.

Seven Tips for Building a Sustainable Business

Building a business is a dream for many, but just because you have a passion and drive doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to be successful. You’re more likely to start a business and fail than to start a business and succeed. There’s a lot of competition out there, and running a business is hard!

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