
Self Made Archive

How to Minimize Business Disruption During a Pandemic

Disease outbreaks are becoming more frequent, so every company must take extra precautions to protect its employees and customers and to reduce the amount of disruption a business may face. If they don’t, then the business could fail, and many employees and customers could be at a significant loss. Today, we will be taking a look at the best way to minimize business disruption during a pandemic.

Financial Tips for the Self Employed

Self-employment has accelerated throughout this decade, and recent events and high unemployment may force even more people to make the decision about whether to try to go back to work or seek out a different type of security by trying to make it on their own.

7 Ways Businesses Can Curb Any Customer Stress During COVID-19

COVID-19 has recently affected many businesses causing some to limit their operations or close down temporarily. Depending on what type of business you have, you may be unsure of what steps to take to support your customers at this time. Here are some ways you can curb the distress that they might feel.

Tips to Create the Perfect Home Office

As technology advances, more workers can work from home. Many companies have embraced remote working, allowing employees the flexibility to work where they want. While many employees greatly appreciate the option to work from home, their home environment is not always prepared to become a home office. A home office should be more than just a room to work in and a poor home office can negatively affect your work. Before you switch to remote work, it is a good idea to set up a home office that works for you. Here are a few tips and tricks you can use to create the perfect home office.

How Solar Energy Can Save Your Small Business Money

Solar energy is hardly a new technology, but it is becoming more popular and affordable. More businesses are realizing the benefits of solar energy. Back in 2015, Walmart was one of the biggest commercial adopters of solar energy, as they added 348 solar panel installations, not 348 panels but 348 systems of solar panels. Other companies have followed suit with Apple, FedEx, and Verizon all adding solar installations. Companies large and small across the world are not only seeing the eco-friendly benefits of going solar, but also the monetary benefits. Solar energy, which ecnompasses more than just solar panels, can save your business a significant amount of money.

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