
Self Made Archive

How the Freelance Economy has Changed in the Past 20 Years

We live in a time where everyone can be their own boss, literally. It’s an amazing thing that’s possible for millions of people, hugely thanks to technology. People have been freelancing for a long time but the internet changed the landscape and turned tasks as simple as driving, writing, clearing inboxes, walking pets into a side hustle for many people.

5 Things You Need To Do When Starting Up A New Business

It’s no secret that starting a business can be an incredibly stressful experience, because it can seem like that there are hundreds if not thousands of things that you will need to get done at once. No matter how well you plan out every stage of your business, there are going to be a lot of things popping up that you didn’t anticipate.

How to Start a Home-Based Business That Works

Home-based businesses are growing in popularity as the economy embraces remote work and people seek more flexibility in their careers. However, starting a home-based business involves more than quitting your job and going freelance. To avoid legal problems and lost money, it's important to follow the proper steps when establishing a home-based business.

5 Tips for the Self-Employed Notary

Notaries have been widely used since the Roman Empire. They were well respected and often advised emperors and other rulers. That respect continues today in many European and Mediterranean countries like Greece and Italy. Notaries are also important in the United States, although perhaps somewhat less because of our common law legal system. Notary services are vital to almost every business, individual, and government agency, especially those in banking, finance, law, healthcare, and real estate. John Coolidge, the father of former President Calvin Coolidge, was a notary. As a notary, he was able to administer the oath of office to his son. Notaries have an interesting history, including how important they are to so many facets of society. Become a notary and join this ancient and noble profession because almost everyone will eventually need a notary!

How to Set Up UPC Barcodes for Your Products

With e-commerce thriving, there have never been more sales opportunities available to small business owners with a killer product. To fully take advantage of the global marketplace, business owners need to make sure their products have authentic identification numbers, which are then encoded into a UPC (Universal Product Code) barcode.

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