
Self Made Archive

Insurance and Bonding Advice for the Self-Employed

​Many professionals who want to keep their independence choose the path of the self-employed. While it requires you to keep track of a number of legal and administrative details, it’s also a rewarding way to earn a living.

How to Master Mobile Friendly Email Marketing Campaigns

Today, more and more people are relying on mobile technology - cell phones, tablets, and laptops - for everyday life than ever before, and this trend is only growing. Almost everyone has a cell phone, and many people rely on theirs to socialize with friends and family, and to keep life organized. Professionally, the use of mobile technology is expanding as more jobs require travel or are simply worked from home (or wherever the employee happens to be). This provides countless opportunities for the tech-savvy entrepreneur to reach out and introduce themselves to potential clients. Mobile marketing is the biggest major trend in advertising. Here’s how to use it to your advantage.

3 Tips for Balancing Your Professional and Personal Life

Juggling your professional and personal life can be a little complicated at the beginning of the year. You want to get off to a good start with your business and new clients, but you don’t want to put in so many work hours that you’re burned out by March. When you’re kicking off a new year, it’s easy to feel like you have too many balls in the air and not enough hands to catch them, but with a few important changes, you can find work-life balance and set yourself up for a fruitful year.

Tips to Improve Conversions on Social Media

If you are wondering how to improve your social landing pages, you are already on the right track. Many businesses — even large, well-established companies — make the mistake of using the same landing pages for all entry points. Social landing pages are funneling customers toward conversion exclusively from your social media networks. Here is how to increase conversions among this specific — and valuable — group.

What Independent Contractors Need To Know About Surety Bonds

If you want to work on construction, repair, maintenance or other similar projects, yet remain independent, then becoming an independent contractor is the right thing for you. But to become an independent contractor in most states, you will need to get a contractor license.

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