
Self Made Archive

Just Another Unfair Tax by the IRS

In the next few months, thousands of small business will file their tax returns across Delaware. But this year, on top of the myriad complex tax liabilities and unequal deductions forced onto small business owners, they now face another unfair tax by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS): a penalty for offering health care support to their employees.

Have You “Sound Branded” Your Business Yet?

We all know that branding for your business is important… However, have you created an actual "voice" for your company that reflects its branded style? ​It’s a fact. Branding is a very important marketing tool that every business or organization should think about. Why? Well, simply put – it’s the personality that identifies a product, service, or company. In addition, it's been proven time and time again that proper branding can result in higher sales (OK, now we’re talking)! But, what’s even more interesting? Truly successful branding is obtained when someone can remember a brand without being exposed to the company name, but rather through visual or audible signifiers.

What if One Day and $99 Could Change Your Business Forever?

Every savvy business owner loves a great deal, and we’ve got one for you. As we approach the holiday season, I want to share with you about an amazing event that NASE is proud to be a part of. The Abounding Business Conference is a day of empowerment for small business owners, coming to 10 cities across the US in 2016 and we are excited to be a part of it. I would like to invite you to come out and hear our President & CEO, Keith Hall, along with several other business leaders.

What do Uber, FedEx and Lowe’s have in common?

Worker classification is front-page news these days as companies like Uber, FedEx, and Lowe’s face misclassification lawsuits. If you engage with freelancers, consultants, or any type of independent contractor, proper classification is critical. Unfortunately, the rules around classification are not easy to interpret. The NASE’s President & CEO Keith Hall is joining an expert panel for a free webinar where listeners will learn information to help protect their business from massive fines, unnecessary hassles, and lawsuits like the ones you've heard about in the news.

5 Strategies to Turn Followers into Brand Ambassadors

It is no longer just a good idea for small business owners to create and maintain a presence across several social media platforms; it is a necessity. Thanks to the internet and social media, it has never been easier to start a dialogue with your customers. This is especially beneficial to small businesses with miniscule marketing budgets.

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